The dip was momentary to wet his hand to fend off heat based attack momentarily, he rubbed the liquid on his palm as he looked down at Ryan again. "Then you're going to sit down and follow orders like the little brainless dog you are." A girl with black tipped fingers that smelled of smoke had entered and perked his curiosity momentarily as he inspected her. "These abilities appear to be genetic modifications, you're like him but unstable." His eyes darted to the pitcher as he was about to pick it up and splash it on her. It was vibrating, quickly but ever so slightly and his eyes caught them in his view. "Shock that water any longer and it'll overcharge, you won't be able to take your own electricity back in. You put out more than you store which means it's generating. Curious." He leaned slightly to inspect it. "Now then dog, quit barking or sit. If you were going to do something you would have by now."