[hider=Aeloria] [center][h1][b]The Aelorian Empire[/b][/h1][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/Nevrex/Flag-copy.jpg[/img][/center] [b][h2]Location/Geography[/h2][/b] [hider=Map Claim]7. On the Map[/hider] The Aelorian Empire is a nation located on the Aurivalan Islands and the Athivalan peninsula. The Aurivalan Islands are generally temperate in nature, with a terrain typically between that of pastoral farmland, tended forests and almost Mediterranean coasts. The Aurivalan Islands are generally thus considered a land of near eternal summer, radiating out from the Sunwood of the Westernmost island of Anesse. The Largest Island, Tallasvir, is largely metropolitan with numerous large urban centres and the estates necessary to provide them with the materials necessary for every day life, while the southernmost island of Halethi remains sparsely populated and the smallest island, Illicanis, remains a holy site, bathed in an eternal summer only enjoyed by the most devout. The mainland territory of the Aelorian Empire shares in some of this otherworldly summer, but is largely made up of plains and flatlands. Here, the Jewelled States, a series of settlements initially set up as trading posts, has become the new frontier of the Empire carved from a fresh continent. [hider=Notable Cities] Notable Cities Tal Vanithyr: Located on the meeting points of the Ithaya and Balanorae rivers on Tallasvir Island, Tal Vanithyr is an expansive city, primarily of towering spires and domes, designed to both awe and as an expression of Elvish craftsmanship. Tal Vanithyr is home to the Imperial Palace, The Grand Ministry of Magi and the great central markets of empire, a drawing point for trade in the empire. Tal Vanithyr is the only large city located on the eastern coast of Tallasvir itself, and thus serves as both capital of the Aelorian Empire and as a regional capital for the eastern half of the island itself. Established following the Proclamation of the Empire, Tal Vanithyr continues to grow, though primarily outward and away from the shore. Menorion - The Great Port Located on the western coast of Tallasvir, Menorion functions both as the seat of the Admiralty and as home of the Aelorian Imperial Navy. Menorion also serves as the primary trading port into the Aurivalan Islands for the majority of Traders, as such, Menorion functions as the other "great city" of Tallasvir, home to a number of guilds and wealthy nobles, who find ease in plying their goods by sea rather than road. Menorion is also home to the end point of the Tylor Canal, allowing ships access to inland cargo ports and towns from the sea directly. Menorion is consequently also home to the Great Purple Shipyards, so named for the purple sails and hulls of the ships it produces of the Aelorian Navy. Einyamar - The Crown Jewel Einyamar is the oldest elven settlement located on the mainland. Much like Menorion, it functions as a primary route of trade and as a shipbuilding centre, though for the Jewelled States. As such, it functions both as an administrative centre for the Jewelled States and home to much of its great noble houses and institutions. Eiyamar therefore functions much as an impromptu centre of governance for the somewhat distant and open-minded Jewelled States. For the most part, the relaxed approach to the Jewelled States and Einyamar's sister cities of Hellonde and Hellione, have paid great dividends for the Empire. Ossithon - City Of Light Located on the border of the Sunwood, and serving as the seat of the Order of Aes Codia, Ossithon, or the City Of Light, is the centre of the Order in Aeloria. Ossithon is considered a centre of healing without parallel - here, the Priests Of Aes Codia, or the Great Light, practice arcane arts known to few and to great effect. The City itself is almost literally a beacon of light in the night - with the Priests and Magi who come to study their art, with centuries of basic spell casting often practised having come to illuminate portions of the stonework itself. Believed to be empowered by the Emperor and the Grand Magi by the common folk, the Priests of the Order treat anyone for as much or as little as they can spare - and since the first visitor, have only gained in skill. Whether it is a combination of both magical power and the strange plants of the Sunwood, a singular, or neither - few dispute the skill of the order. Menegrien - Bastion Of The South: The only major city in Halethi before Aleorian civilization gives way to the sea and foreign lands, Menegrien serves as both the location of a Imperial Granary, and as the centre for trade for the farmers and lords of the Halethi Range. All the same, Menegrien serves in a military capacity, as the Ranges often experience discontent from the sea and other realms over the centuries, such elements can cause a great threat during harvest season when crops from Halethi are put at risk. As such, the Garrison of Menegrien is considered the most tested to fight and contributes many great warriors to the Imperial Army. Lindorthell - The Eastern Spires The largest city in south east Tallasvir, Lindorthell is built in a style of homage to Tal Vanithyr, Lindorthell, however, has earnt its own reputation as a city of archviists and inventors. Hosting a branches of the Magi Ministry in all their forms, as well as a number of Imperial Institutions, Lindorthell currently serves as the home of Elven experimentation and is home to the Dalaen Library, well known to contain, if not the original, but a copy of nearly any valuable elven work in the world, if not considerable volumes gained from other races and nations. Tal Sennae - City of the Woods Tal Sennae is the only city located within reaches of the Sunwood, which covers much of Anesse. Tal Sennae is a-typical in construction, doing much to blend in with this surrounding environment. Tal Sennae is thus one of the smaller cities in Aurivalan, and its inhabitants largely concern themselves with the upkeep of the vast wood and the care of the creatures therein. Tal Sennae consequently cares for a great deal of the Imperial Stock of Pegasi. Sirialorae - City of the Lake Located in the Athivalan Range but separate from the Jewelled States, Sirialorae serves as capital of the newest province of Fal Ahenai, bordering the lake of Thevira. Sirialorae, on the coast of the great lake, became home of the Paelor Walls, a near monolithic construction drawing upon the entire empire to secure a fortress on the edge of the Empire. Sirialorae, as such, today, remains a somewhat martially minded city, though it now gains a portion of its wealth from the adventurous as well as those who make a living upon the great lake. [/hider] [b][h2]General Introduction[/h2][/b] The Aelorian Empire seemingly came into being overnight - at least from those who cared little for the Aurivalan islands. Largely unpopulated, it has since come to be home to a sizeable nation covering the entirety of the islands and the Athivalan Range. Aeloria traditionally holds itself as a cosmopolitan, urban civilization, though its populace have spread out amongst the reaches of both Athivalan and Aurivalan. Whilst some of the Empire is lightly populated - its great cities and larger islands, are more densely populated. While the Aelorian Empire is considered "ancient", its origins lie far beyond the western sea, from which few its neighbours have ever crossed. The first advent of Aelorian elves in the Aurivalan islands is only recorded but a thousand years before, and then in small numbers on the island of Illicanis, an island steeped in taboo in the history of those times. Consequently, much of Aelorian civilization is older than it would first appear, and has largely transplanted itself wholesale to the Aurivalan islands - though they maintain with great tenacity that some part of their ancient race has always been upon these islands since time immemorial. Speaking little of what lies west, one can only assume that they have left such connections behind. [b][h2]History (Kinda trying to adapt it, hit me up if something is too crazy)[/h2][/b] [i]Vyraesoria[/i], or the period before the birth of magic as Aeloria understands it, is a time mostly lost to us in historical writing, though such may be elaborated on if further records have survived in Aurivalan in a manner leaving knowledge untouched. All the same, much remains in stories passed from generation to generation, though some of this is clearly myth and much more is unreliable. As such, this element of the Archival Library is written from the perspective of the Author attempting to place such tales into a somewhat factual context to be utilized by readers and researchers of the Library. The Age of Awakening - Vaerdos. The Awakening of Elvenkind was a sudden thing. What is known is that we became aware that we were aware. In that single moment, we ceased to be simple things and began to become a race worthy of note, of culture, of elegance. Many of our records from this time are peacemeal, and simply describe the advance of Elven civilization in the westerworld to a point that would be recognizable, of a sort, to its modern Aelorian equivalents. Here, the Pantheon is born, and here too we come to understand the great power of their will made manifest. Yet, we lived in peace for eons beyond count. We thought we were alone, and we were content. The Age of Sorrow - Mithanalas. The horrors that came upon our civilization in this age is the cause for much we can now no longer call upon, but the first wars were devastating, and while we created the greatest military force our people have ever known, it was only with the bloody crusades that we prevailed and chained our enemy below a land now forgotten. Despite our success we needed the might of the heavens amongst our people once more. We sent our orders forth and searched, and for a time, we once again had peace. The peace was not to last. When the Aelorian civilization discovered new navigable routes to the east, and discovered Aurivalan is it has now been named, there was no question about whether the crusades would be needed again - they were immediately launched. The Marali, as we had come to know them, would no doubt be found here too - they would need to be found and contained before they threatened Aeloria again. As we well know, the Marali had already broken their own confines - destroying much of the lands we had left to their mercy unbeknownst to us - and beginning the preparations that would crush the soul of our nation - though not extinguish it. When the Marali fell upon our homeland all our people could do was flee. Without the great Crusading Orders at hand, the Westerworld became a cataclysmic battleground between the forces of Aelorian Holy Light and the ever encroaching darkness of the Marali. The excesses of Marali magic and our own powerful but limited uses of it threatened to rip this small corner of the world apart - and only the sacrifices of many great Magi brought enough respite to escape. The Empire would of course, never fall. The Emperor and many people escaped. When they finally reached Aurivalan with the secrets of thousands of years and the will to survive - they re-organized the crusading forces into the new basis of the Aelorian Empire - and promptly ceased its preparations for action on the continent. The reality that the Crusading Orders had found Illicanis was the saving grace that brought us hope. The Marali would one day come however, and our people continue to watch. The Age of Prosperity - Kyr. With the end of the Second Crusades and the full recognition of the Empire by Council, A lasting peace came to be in the new Aeloria, which to this day has yet to be out rightly challenged. While we brought much of what was home with us and created a somewhat alien realm in a somewhat familiar land - we have kept largely to ourselves except where security or faith was threatened. These are the rules of Aeloria. With communication, aside from that worked by our Magi secured, our realm enjoyed a period of economic growth and advancement of knowledge and culture. We have enjoyed the Age of Prosperity as a respite from the harshness the world has generally given our race throughout recent history. A chance to learn of new realms and let them know of our glory. We know not of the Westerworld's fate, though we know it remains largely intact. This Scholar wonders when we may return, if the Marali were not contained by our final spells and reigns supreme, it is only a matter of time before Aurivalan becomes a target - if the old races, or perhaps new ones, will not recognise the threat, much will rely on our ability to do the unthinkable and create the unstoppable. With the birth of the new clutch, the will of the pantheon cannot be ignored. For now, Elvenkind stands secure, wealthy, and proud. The Age of Prosperity, is however, ostensibly coming to an end. It remains yet to be seen what the next age may be named. [h2][b]Government & Society[/b][/h2] The Aelorian Empire, as such, operates three primary organs of governance in order to maintain unity. [b]The Imperial Throne[/b] The Imperial Throne is considered the supreme authority over the Empire. Occupied by the lineage of the first self-proclaimed Emperor and backed by the mandate provided by the Noble Council - and once again by the Council of Chapters and then finally by the will of the gods made manifest, Raethiniel. The Emperor or Empress is thus trained to be the first among the Imperial Court and in skill of arms, as well as taught in the arts of magic by both Magi and Priest. The Emperor rules from the Imperial Palace in Tal Vanithyr, and holds council there among trusted advisors and nobles from around the Empire. Here, the Emperor confirms the appointment of Nobles to the council to manage the day to day affairs of state and manages the issues of most concern to him and his people. On Occasion, The Imperial Court may move to another of the Imperial Palaces in the Empire, though this is usually for practical reasons. [b]The Noble Houses[/b] The Noble Houses, typically styled and named after their founding family, nominally serve no official role within the governance of the Empire outside of the Noble Council, a manner of bringing together the Noble Houses for the good of the realm. However, as most Houses are essentially allied together and therefore tied into to one of the Great Houses - given the role of local administration, Noble Houses and their Mercantile connections can often lead to great influence and power that even the Emperor does not, typically, ignore. Noble Houses, therefore, mostly concern themselves with increasing the wealth, power, and influence of their respective families. Whilst the Elves do not typically engage in manners of overt subterfuge with one another - The Great Game between houses is not without incident, though the threat of interference from the Throne stops this from being outright bloodshed. [b]The Provinces[/b] The Empire is divided into 6 Provinces, typically administered by one regional governor. Each settlement usually contains its own council made up of individuals from notable houses or local government - although cases beyond the abilities of the civil administration of are referred to the regional administrator. The Regional Governors serve by appointment of the Emperor until they either retire, die, or are asked to resign by the Emperor. Governors are typically Nobles from the major Houses considered eligible by their own peers for the position, although the Emperor can appoint anyone he so pleases. Notably, The Jewelled States "elects" a permanent Deputy Governor for the region, to represent the somewhat more varied governance of the area. It is worth noting that the varied Chapter Houses of the Crusading Era still maintain their political input, but this is largely directed towards the Emperor and Military issues rather than civil governance. [b]Society/Culture et all[/b] Aelorian Elvish culture places a great deal of emphasis on the pursuit of perfection in one's chosen craft. Aelorian Elves are not typically bound by gender or birth to a particular role in society, but purely by ambition and talent. The Aelorian Noble houses are deft, and often bring in those outside of great talent in, either through marriage or other means. Elves typically marry for life, though concept of extramarital sex is not foreign to them, and is frequently a norm for Young Adults. Raising children is, obviously, a somewhat extended affair, as Aelorians are of course, long lived, Children are considered bound by their parents jurisdiction for much longer than a human equivalent. However, Aelorian's still die - though this is often mostly through choice, accident or disaster, than the effects of time. Art and craftsmanship are important skills in Aelorian civilization. Emphasis is placed on functionality and beauty combined, and every item produced by Elven craftsmen is to their creator and often beholder, a unique masterpiece, to be passed down for generations within a family. As a long lived race, many feel There is no reason NOT to spend a hundred years carefully working and perfecting a sword now that there is peace in which to do it. Whilst past generations of Elves typically remained land bound, the newest crusading generations, the ultimate flight and formation of an empire in a foreign land - has instilled in the Empire a somewhat seafaring spirit and the coastal cities have developed a strong maritime culture. Fishing, sailing and so forth are now considered noble pursuits. Of interest is the Aelorian view on other cultures and civilizations - while the Aelorians find great joy in learning or at the very least, documenting and studying all life they come across - even the most vile of creatures - they hold great disdain for all creatures considered "evil" - and hold little regard for any non-elf, though more to the point of arrogance rather than hostility, and the merits of earnt respect are not lost upon them. In terms of intra-species relations - the Aelorians believe themselves to be the "High" Elves, or the direct descendants of the firstborn. This can cause friction with other elven races - if only because the Aelorians, not through malice but through a belief of their own lineage, consider themselves a learned elder to their cousin races, who really should all just be ruled by the Aelorian Emperor, right? Overall, The Empire as such is one based upon faith and finesse. Elves, long lived as they are, reach perfection in their crafts not through any innate superiority, it is argued, but through a discipline honed through lives lived long in excess of other races and with a dedication to their community not always shared elsewhere. The Aelorian people are thus somewhat seen as perfectionists, spending much of their lives focusing on one craft beyond all others until they can claim excellence - and then spending much of what remains putting it into practice or teaching those who would follow. In Faith, there is the Pantheon, a body of elven gods that express many virtues and beliefs from a race as ancient and storied, but there are two other aspects - that of the pure and divine holy light, and that of the primordial flame. The Pure Holy Light is expressed both through its Pantheon Avatar and the Flame itself, but it is the root of belief and faith, and capable of a pure expression of that faith and belief in the physical world, whether singular or intertwined with the arcane. The same applies to the primordial flame, but the flame is the core of the will of the gods made manifest in the real world - that of the Aelorian Dragon. The discovery of an ancient clutch of these dragonkin on Illicanis can be contributed with the revival of Aelorian civilization. [hider=Aelorian Elves]The High Elves are a race of humanoids somewhat indistinguishable from modern Humanity aside from minor physical differences. However, Elves are well-known for their keen intelligence, agility and prowess in the art of magic, particularly when trained. Biologically, Internally and externally, Elves are similar to humans. Whilst Elves are often considered immortal, by human standards, Elves are simply of great longevity. This belief is largely enforced by the fact that most of their lives post "physical twenties" they do not appear to age or suffer, at least physically from disease. Aelorian Elves have been known, along with other elven races, to exhibit a great resistance to poison and other bodily contaminants. It seemingly takes a great deal of hormones or chemicals to change an Elf's mental state, and thus they tend to appear calm and collected most of the time. Likewise, this enables them to drink a great deal of alcohol without suffering any ill effects. Elves are considered to be mature around age 50, although they cease ageing around twenty to thirty years of age. Only under continuous, heavy stress to Elves appear to age at all beyond this physical peak. As with their biology, Elves are similar to humans. Though they tend to be slightly taller and in some cases, lithe than humans. Because all adult elves are essentially 'in their prime' from the age of fifty onwards, they are, while not necessarily stronger than the average human, generally in a condition more physically capable. Of minor note is eye colourization - whilst Aelorian High Elves are typically known for their glowing eyes - at least historically, blue, the exposure of many of their race to the extreme excesses of Arcane and Demonic energies during the Flight has lead a number of survivors and, a number of their progeny, to exhibit a green glow - though this change appears to be largely cosmetic rather than any obvious benefit or loss, it can prove disconcerting. In terms of Reproduction, Elves, being largely similar to the other strictly humanoid races procreate in a manner that would be familiar among said races. Elves, however, gestate for slightly longer than their human counterparts, and twins are often common among those few adept in Magical Studies.[/hider] [hider=Aelorian Dragons]Although the Aelorian discovery of a singular fights clutch would perhaps merit less, here lies a more expanded general Aelorian record on the species as requested with my own notes -Leander. We know little of Draconic "Society" from what little ancient texts we have, but it is obvious it has biological basis and is thus stratified by age and development. Although considered magically adept, Dragons are gifted flight by biology - and fire by the same methods, though their magical ability no doubt amplifies these bonuses greatly. On Average, the largest known Dragon, that is, Raethiniel, the matured leader of the Illicanis clutch, can be measured to be around 50 Feet. The Largest known drake topped out at around 20 Feet, whilst the largest whelps have only known to reach upto 4 feet. We know that fully matured dragons such as Raethniel could be considered "High Dragons" and would thus occupy the pinnacle of Society, both figuratively and literally. A typical High Dragon can thus only be described as a fully mature Dragon. Whilst High Dragons occupy the upper Strata, and other Dragons, of which we ourselves only have few, are just below, Drakes occupy the middle strata - serving as the "middle class", although rare still. It is unlikely many today would be able to understand that Drakes are not even considered full Dragons. Whelps occupy the underclass - whilst numerous, many whelps do not reach Drakehood and die young, as our experience with the Illicanis clutch has taught us, Whilst all drakes eventually mature, not every Dragon itself fully matures into a "High" Dragon. In terms of biology, A Dragon's Chest can only be descrived as very powerful and heavily muscled. They also possess a massive heart, including a redundancy, as the chest muscles require large quantities of oxygen-rich blood to maintain a steady wing beat. The bone structure itself is perfectly designed for flight too, with an internal structure that is very specialized, being honey-combed, which is strong but lightweight. All of these adaptations are a general characteristic of powered flight, though this alone does not allow Dragons, high or otherwise, the ability. A typical Dragon's wing span measures just under 18 feet, though weight often varies considerably depending on diet and lifestyle. From our own research and the sad case experienced with the clutch, we know Dragons possess a pair of leathery organs, resembling a second pair of lungs within their chest cavity. The tissue walls of these organs are thin and elastic, designed to expand. These are thus known to be storage sacs. They hold gas composed predominantly of known to be lighter than air. When the organs were filled with this gas the principle was the same as anything else. The organs are the Dragon's "flight bladders". Whilst All creatures contain bacteria in their gut that help break down food and in the process the bacteria release byproducts as gas, The bacteria inside Dragon's release a flammable gas that is channelled into the two storage sacs. Along with a super-light skeleton the gas filled flight bladders are the key to the Dragon's flight capability. Another adaptation gifted by the creator was the ability to "breathe fire". The inner surface of a Dragon's mouth is almost armor plated. At the back of throat there is a fleshy valve. This flap is similar to the false palate found in crocodile throats used to stop their lungs from flooding when grabbing prey under water. Dragons use the false palate to prevent a back draft of fire from scorching their lungs. Dragons possess both incisors (meat ripping teeth) and flattened molars (grinding teeth). The molars are used to pulverize platinum into powder that remained on the surface of the enamel. Dragons use the platinum as a catalyst to trigger a chemical reaction. The reaction of platinum with their flight capable gas would ignite said gas to combust, producing fire. A Dragon's flight and fire apparatus is a binary system as both relied on the stored hydrogen in the flight bladders. Although useful, many Dragons now tend to rely on magical means to cause ignition, something considered preferable by the limited platinum deposits of the empire. Dragon's effectively function as the rulers of both the sky and ground, if not the heavens. Whilst we owe much to this strength in ages past, and it has been the case for thousands of years, the tide of technological change and the growing mastery of magic by the other races is starting to threaten this position. In terms of matters of reproduction that we know enter into, Dragon Females tend to produce a batch of eggs following courting which are then fertilized by her male consort. A batch of eggs can number between twenty and two hundred and labour itself is intensive and exhausting, and as such mating occurs during the period of the hunting, or rather feeding, season only. As you know, some of these clutches fail to hatch, and many will die, sadly, as young whelps. Dragons often differ in colour from Flight to Flight as known from our records, though our own clutch is entirely from the red flight. Dragons have a indeterminate lifespan, as far as we Aelorians know. I will attempt to gain Raethiniel's personal insight on these notes, but she is, whilst intelligent, not exactly known for making time for the Archivists these days.[/hider] [h2][b]Economy & Industry[/b][/h2] The Aelorian Economy is largely driven by internal forces, The Mercantile Guilds have done much, under the Emperors gaze, to utilize the resources of Aurivalan and the independent Guilds and Traders willing to push its people into new crazes and matters of demand. Whilst the Empire produces much of what it needs to survive, this exchange of items and the creation and desire of wealth is used to foster growth of new industries and create new forms of demand and then supply which in turn, have given rise to a relatively prosperous economy, though a large part of it is Agrarian in basis. Aside from Fine Food, Clothing, and Drink, things such as Dyes for use in paints and elven printing, as well as spice for flavouring are also valuable new sources of income for the mercantile guilds. With a number of exotic goods transplanted from the Westerworld, including the valuable Aelorian variant of Silk. Aeloria has however, been open to outside trade for many a year now, and its exotic and well crafted goods have found their markets elsewhere and have consequently also allowed the import of rarer metals and exotic goods, fostering an economic boom of its own. [b][h2]Military Overview[/h2][/b] Foreword With a new land came new options - and demanded rethinks. Since the Flight of the Aelorians to the lands their Crusades had found, the Imperial Army was no longer able to call on a large standing army - and reorganized itself accordingly around a varied core of professional and unprofessional soldiers. It is however, that the Aelorian military relies heavily on its Chapter Houses and Ranger Guilds, and to a smaller extent Magi, for much of its heavy lifting. Overview: The Aelorian Military, as such relies primarily on its natural "agility", range and a limited use of magic. Elves prefer ordered or "civilized" melee combat supported by large numbers of ranged, token magical adepts and cavalry units. The main line of battle traditionally remains heavily armoured, favouring pike and other similar weapons. Naturally of acute eyesight and affinity for beasts - a large amount of warriors receive training in Archery, in particular the Aelorian Longbow, as well as schooling in both riding of the traditional warhorse and its aerial counterpart, the pegasi. As Some Elves possess a natural affinity for magic, most Aelorian Military operations and doctrine so far have taken, and include, a small contingent of armoured Magi - known as Battle-Magi, as well as Priests and other more specialized "Magi", though not particularly gifted, who are trained purely in countering other spell casters, such as the formerly crusader chapter house of "Maraeshal" or "Spellbreakers". The Levee: The majority of Imperial Armed Forces are obviously, not marshalled during times of peace, with a system of conscription or levee en mass enacted during times of crisis. However, the Empire does not rely on untrained individuals. Most Elves, during their early years before full maturity, receive a rotation of basic military training - with those of notable skill or desire go on to become a member of the standing army, join a chapter house, or, in some cases, to the Royal Guard. Of note is the Pegasi whom serve as functional mounts for aerial cavalry used by the Standing Army as well as utilized by both the Royal Guard, Magi and Chapter houses such as Aes Codia. Aelorian Pegasi are largely docile once domesticated, and considered great companions to their riders - Pegasi have tremendous endurance and, when they or their rider is threatened, can be incredibly dangerous. Royal Guard: The Royal Guard, led by the High General, is the spine of the standing army. The Royal Guard also serves as the Emperors own personal guard, and as such, contains the strongest and most well trained Elves of the current day. Royal Guards are trained specifically in Polearms foremost, specially crafted at their initiation by the Emperors request, as well as trained in the use of Poleaxes for standing formation anti-cavalry. Further to this, the best of the Pegasi and Warhorse Breeds are often gifted by the Emperor to the Royal Guard, among others - with Elves chosen for the Royal Guards Cavalry provided weaponry more suited for that role, as well as more specialized associated training. The Current High General of the Royal Guards is Al'Danor Thyrol. Magi: The Magi, though limited, form an element of the main shock of the Imperial Army. Whilst Battle-Magi primarily focus on the offensive weaves of Magic, both to empower and to cause devastation to an enemy, their counterparts work on both defensive and healing magics. With a magical heritage dating back to the birth of magic, Aelorian Elves and thus, the Empire, continue to utilize "weaving" rather than simplistic casted spells or runes or other forms of "lesser magic" and claim to have continued to gain a greater understanding of Magic at its very basis. The Current Archmage of the Battle Orders is Vanyria Lorimen The Chapter Houses - Example: Aes Codia: There are a number of Chapter Houses calling back to the crusading era that train and marshal their own forces from donations or military investment to assist in keeping order and to potentially deal with a "demonic resurgence". Most notable is The Aes Codia - an elite order, whilst typically known as healers to the majority of the populace, trace their routes back to the Reclamation Crusades. Through many years of rigorous training, they learn the art of the longbow and the sword - and how to move even quicker and unseen among the varied terrain of the Empire, either at day or night. The Aes Codia are directly commanded by their High Templar, and it is not known whether he answers to the Emperor or a Higher Power. Magical Adeptness, no matter how small a spark, is a requirement for initiation into the Aes Codia, and they are trained by the Priesthood as well as the Magi in order to enhance their utility and battle prowess. The Aes Codia's training is considered the harshest in the Empire, combining gruelling physical activity and magical learning under the harshest conditions, and as such, their quality shows. The Current High Templar, and nominal head of the Chapter Houses Council is Meron Galdiore. Imperial Navy: The Imperial Navy of the Empire has been traditionally small, existing of ships designed for coastal patrol and anti-piracy, though the inner sea's of Aurivalan are directly accessed and are largely free of such nuisances. However, as the Imperial Army has redesigned itself, so too has the navy, particularly as Athivalan has grown in value. As such, The Empire now possess a considerable number of larger ships - with a sizeable force of ships consisting of small and fast Elven galleys. It is now not unknown for the resurgent Aelorian Navy to make unwanted (at least by traders whom have no time for strict Aelorian rules) inspections even in territory its navy has never traditionally invested itself in. As with all things, the Elves have brought their knowledge of Magic to the sea - and whilst armed typically with arrow, a scant few Aelorian ships are considered far more dangerous due to the Magi often on board. It has become known that is better to lose the cargo the Aelorians find "taboo" than to risk letting a token Imperial Mage ruin your day. [/hider] Magic comes up a lot, particularly as I'm trying to retrofit some things in but its more that it is "rare" and where not so rare its not that great, but I understand any reservations, so please speak up. That goes for anything, really. Consider this a first pass. Of note is that the dragons are few and more religious than military in application. EDIT: And now I can't get in the chatzy rip.