Its a normal Post-Apocalyptic day as Grayson looks out the window of his Power-Plant mansions top floor windows. He looks out only to see a city that is dying if not dead already. [b][color=fff200][i]"Doesn't look like anything has gotten any better."[/i][/color][/b] He thinks to himself. He turns to check the other window which over looks Gas Works Park or "His Lawn" as he likes to call it. He takes a look around the room and grabs the water bladder out of his backpack. He looks at the water levels and decides to take a walk down to the river to get some water. The bladder has a built in filter that cleans any water you put in it. He thought it was silly that his dad made him buy it but he sure is more than thankful now-a-days. He walks slowly down to his storage and looks at whats for breakfast, even though he has no idea what time it is. He picked out his freshly pillaged eggs that he just got off a farming group that came to the city for supplies. He took some (kinda moldy) bread and decided to make french toast to treat himself for the victory yesterday. He took out all four of them. If there were more of those farmers they too will soon come looking for their friends and supplies as well. So Grayson does what he always does and sets up an over-watch in the area of his last victims to see if they had any friends that had any nice things that Grayson wanted. He hoped they had more eggs because he really liked the french toast. Once he packed everything he would need up he headed for the river to do dishes and fill up his water bladder. Then he would set up his over-watch on the street he killed the travelers yesterday. Grayson stayed close to the foliage as much as possible and scanned the opposite bank for a while before stepping out to do his chores. Once he deemed it safe he stepped out and carried out what he needed to do. Once he was done he packed his bag and headed for his set up. He wouldn't be back till late so he gave his mansion a look that seemed to day [i]"Don't you be going anywhere while I'm gone"[/i] and off he went. sticking close to the bushes until he got out to the roads, then he stayed low and under as much debris as possible. He got to his building and rounded up 7 flights of stairs like it was nothing. He could see down the whole street from here. About five blocks, he could only shoot (and hit) to about three considering his elevation range with his Air-Rifle. He took off his helmet and put it next to him, he grabbed his middy stick and laid it down so it was easily accessible if need be. He took out his Air-Rifle and Pulled out his foam stand. With a large piece of concrete he (eventually) broke the glass pane and laid down to wait. He would only do this for three more days then he would go back to milling around his mansion and scavenging for food like he normally does. As Grayson sat there, he got to thinking. What day was it? What time? How much time has passed sense the world went to shit? How old was he now? He was starting to feel pretty old. He also wondered how many people he has killed, and how he wouldn't mind settling down with another person (or group of people) just to have some company once in a while. However he knew if he got attached to anyone he would only have to feel more pain when this world claims yet another of the dwindling human population. But this time, he really wanted a companion. Grayson felt it was time to get to know someone again. Now he just needed to find the right person.