Delphi's song had finished and for the most part the tavern had returned back to normal but the elf still remained still and silent as ifi n a trance. She was unsure what had happened or what had gripped him so intensely but it seemed a better time than any to simply take a half step away. With no movement from the grey elf she took a full step backwards and when still there was no movement she turned slowly, keeping her hood raised high over her brow and shuffled quietly away from the little dark table where she had got a few answers and a plethora of questions in return. In a way she was lucky and she knew this, if someone had caught her, if the elf had turned violent or greedy then she certainly would be rotting with her sister in a matter of hours, of course at least then they would be together but at what cost to their health? For the most part while others still wore the after affects of her song upon their features none seemed to suspect her and a sad little fawn was packing up his music to leave. She felt guilt, enough to make her frown slightly and bite her lower lip but ultimately the fawn's employment was the least of her concern and all she chose to do about it was slip beside him and while brushing passed deposit the petal of one of her flowers into a nook or pocket of his rather meager outfit. He smelled delicious and it took quite the force of will to move away once again from that meat, her snakes writhing briefly beneath the hood and requiring more of her concentration to placate and settle. Clutching the back of a bar stool for a handful of movements she took several calming breaths to still both her snakes and her own predatory desire, such fresh and vibrant meat was never so easily come across back home. Whatever fae tripped into their territory were quickly 'corrupted' by the lands themselves and lost a good deal of their flavour. It had been a bad idea to come here armed only with the flowers and yet she had known she had little choice, for bringing the carcass of a fae, or fomori for that matter, in her little bag would draw more attention and suspicion than the delicate scented little flowers. She dared not to take another petal yet, having no idea now how long the food source would need to last for until she was reunited with her sister at one of the thousands of detention centers. Uncertain where to even start, or how she slipped into the seat she had leaned upon and tried to think of a plan, she could of course simply ask someone about it but one might question a persons motives if they asked where the fomori would be held, gorgon's in particular. It would both blow her own cover and likely put her sister in more jeopardy than she was already in. Fomori in the city would be virtually impossible to find, either pets, slaves or prisoners and if any were free and still sane they would not be easily coerced into helping her. Fomori weren't big on helping anyone but themselves and it was doubtful a gorgon would have survived out here and further yet one of her own brood. For now she would sit and think, attempt to free her mind of the primitive thoughts of her kind by squeezing her dull little nails into her palm, out of sight of the bar keep and the service staff and figure out who would have the information she wanted and how best to get hold of it.