As Vata was drinking his coffee, lights in the room suddenly dimmed, from some unknown cause. The technology here was unlike anything he had ever seen, and he wished he could have lights that did not drip wax or risk burning things when he was in his own world. Twain began speaking, summarizing many of the things Vata already knew, that is, they were stuck on this world, and that what dragged them all here was bizarre to say the least. Behind Twain was a glowing image of what he could only assume to be the wrecked castle that Twain's team had saved them from. After Twain finished briefing them on what had happened at the castle and their current situation, he suggested that they work together to find a way home, but before Vata could respond, he was distracted by the conversation between a strange being of light and a man he didn't recognize. When the strange light thing described, and asked about the differences in appearance between a man that entered the room a moment ago and a girl that he didn't recognize, Vata stifled a laugh. It was apparent that the ball of light had never encountered humans before, but somehow it was able to speak the same language as them. It reminded him of the way the Spirits could appear to people, although they typically manifested themselves in the shape of something, such as an animal, instead of as an amorphous ball of light. The being intrigued him, and he could feel a faint acknowledgement from the Spirit of Inspiration expressing a similar interest, but then his attention was diverted back to another person speaking in the room. A woman requested that they join the organization that she, and Twain were a part of. They called it "trident," a name he found odd. What was a trident, and what significance did it bear to the group? Vata pushed that question to the side, it could come later, as this presented the best opportunity of finding a way back home. Putting down his cup of coffee, he answered the woman's request. "I would gladly offer to help your organization, even if we do not succeed in finding a way back to our own worlds. While I don't know what sort of special skills I have to offer that would help in your endeavors, the very least I can do to repay your assistance is to offer my own."