[color=0072bc]"Graaaargh!"[/color] With a roar of anger that sounded almost comical in the human boy's voice, Undyne slammed her (relatively) tiny fist into the wall out of anger at what was going on, only to end up with very sore fingers and an unharmed wall. Undyne stared at the offending boundary, her right eye twitching madly. Breaking stuff was her favorite way of relieving tension, not counting cooking, fighting, hanging out with Papyrus, working out, or pretty much anything involving Alphys in some degree, and it was incredibly frustrating knowing that the wimpy human body couldn't even leave a mark on a simple solidly constructed stone wall. On a whim, she wondered how her bestie Frisk would have done to solve this problem. The answer was obvious. Frisk would have done their very best. Undyne's anger melted away in an instant when she thought about Frisk. Undyne hated to admit it but...no, Undyne would freely admit that...she missed the little punk that tried to be her friend after Undyne tried to kill them. Everyone missed Frisk of course, that's why they were all down here stumbling around in each other's skin, but for Undyne at least, the bond the two shared was special. She remembered how she had chased the human through waterfall, how she tried to kill them only to be lured into a trap...and then how the human saved her. Undyne didn't understand why Frisk had saved her, and to be honest she still didn't understand. If the roles were reversed Undyne probably would have dealt the blow herself, but the human had not only spared her...they tried to become her friend. Undyne never met anyone, let alone a human, who had ever done something like that. Undyne pounded the ground with her fist, lighter this time so she didn't smash the poor human's fingers again. Being a wimpy human stunk, but Undyne wouldn't let that stop her. She was going to fight to save Frisk, no matter whose body she was in! Her spirit renewed with the confidence that she would save her best friend no matter what, she felt her heart fill with...with...[i][b]RESOLUTENESS[/b][/i]! Or something like that. Dictionary later, Frisk now! Ridiculously confident once again, she took a quick look around and easily spotted her own body lying on the floor. While most of everyone else's swaps were somewhat of a mystery to her, whoever had Undyne's body looked particularly lazy just lying there, and there was only one skeleton she knew was that lazy. Thus, she marched over to Sansdyne and picked up her own arm, attempting to drag him/her to their feet. [color=0072bc]"Come on Sans!"[/color] she insisted in the comandeering tone that could only belong to the former Captain of the Guard. [color=0072bc]"Frisk still needs saving, and since you're stuck in my body, YOU have to be the muscle, bub!"[/color] --- Sethlen quailed under Asgore's pointed look at the mention of apologizing, wishing he could have crawled into his bulky Buster Jacket like a turtle and just hide for a bit. He wanted to say he was sorry at some point, of course, but did it have to be so soon? Couldn't he have an hour to prepare himself? Or a day? Or a month? Several? Ten years? An eternity? That last one would be great. [color=007236]"R-right, apologize,"[/color] Sethlan mumbled. [color=007236]"A-after all, heroes like me always...er...apologize for their actions?"[/color] Smooth as always, Sethlan. Smooth as always. [color=007236]"Well, thanks for helping me after all of that,"[/color] Sethlan said, forcing a bit of genuine sincerity into his voice as he scurried to his feet. [color=007236]"Anyway, if we want to find the girl we should...hey, there's my sword!"[/color] The pangolin darted to a pile of leaves close by, a glint of shining steel poking out from under the colorful blanket of foliage. Rooting around in the pile, he gripped the handle and somewhat clumsily extracted it from the pile, swinging it overhead in one fluid motion and depositing it in the scabbard on his back. He turned to the king and the royal scientist, his confidence restored along with the familiar weight at his back. [color=007236]"Well, let's go find the human so we can find out what's going on up here!"[/color] Sethlan said, taking the charge and marching swiftly in the direction he assumed was the town.