Kayal could not help but be amused at the annoyed look the Argonian women gave him as she turned to face him. "Slavers? Gods no, if I had been here sooner then I would have happily helped you cut them down, but I wasn't. No I heard some commotion and thought I should come and check it out. But it would seem the problem is solved...mostly solved." He said looking toward the wounded Bosmer at the bottom of the hill. "Mind if I lend a hand he." He asked the Argonian as he gestured toward the Bosmer. He didn't wait for an answer as he honestly didn't care before he walked down the hill toward the Bosmer girl, as he neared the bottom he slowed and approached much more cautiously. "Are you alright ma'am." Kayal asked in a gentle tone. "Its alright now, no ones going to hurt you." He added a moment later. Looking at the girl brought up memories Kayal would rather keep buried away, memories of those four years so long ago, a bitter taste followed with the thoughts but he did his best to push them off.