[b]Name:[/b] [color=00aeef][indent]Zverda[/indent][/color][indent][indent]Born and raised in captivity, Zverda was named by the human scientist who was one of the leads on the experiments pertaining to promoting human like intelligence within animals.[/indent][/indent] [b]Genus and Species:[/b] [indent][b]Genus:[/b][i]Xenosmilus hodsonae[/i][/indent][indent][b]Sub-Species:[/b] [i]Machairodontinae[/i][/indent][indent][indent]Physically, the cat measured between 5.6–5.9 ft long with a highly muscular body and probably weighed around 510–880 lb. Before their discovery, all known saber-toothed cats fell into two general categories, Dirk toothed cats that had long upper canines and stout legs, and Scimitar toothed cats that had only mildly elongated canines, and long legs. Xenosmilus broke these groupings by possessing both stout muscular legs and body, and short broad upper canines.[/indent][/indent] [b]Approximate Age:[/b] [indent] Zverda is ten years of age out of the potential 24 years that have been ‘granted’ to her through the experimentation she was put through as a cub.[/indent] [b]Appearance, Description and Gender:[/b] [indent]Adult[/indent][indent][indent]Standing at about 3.5 feet, 5’8 in length and weighing about 800 lbs, Zverda proves to lean towards the larger size of her Genus. Unlike most felids within the Machairodontinae sub-species, Zverda’s fangs were not nearly as long though all of her teeth came to a point, ideal for tearing into the flesh of her prey and defending herself if need-be. With tawny fur not unlike a lion’s, at first glance and with little to no inspection she could be mistaken for a female of the species. Upon closer inspection, one would be able to see the vast differences between the Xenos and the more lithe lioness. With clearly defined muscles, Zverda is far more bulky than a Lioness and much stronger with her legs, her muscles causing her to have a much more stocky look to her. Throughout her tawny fur, light patterns similar to that of a spotted leopard’s are scattered though these ‘spots’ are stretched out more than what is often seen on the leopard. The only odd spot on her fur rest attop her head, and it was a white spot in the shape of a star.[/indent][/indent] [b]Alignment and Personality:[/b] [indent][b]Alignment:[/b][/indent][indent][indent][i]True Neutral [/i]- A neutral person does what seems to be a good idea. They don't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral people exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a person thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral people, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.[/indent][/indent] [hider=Ten Neutral Commandments] [indent][indent]1. You shall avoid lies. 2. You shall not kill the innocent. 3. You shall not murder. 4. You shall help the needy if such action aids yourself. 5. You shall honor those who honor you. 6. You shall follow the law unless breaking the law can advance you without harming others. 7. You shall not betray others unless your life is in jeopardy. 8. You shall aid those who aid you and harm those who harm you. 9. You shall not promote an extreme viewpoint. 10. You shall advance yourself without harming others.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Ten Neutral Sins] [indent][indent]1. Trying to persuade others to take a stance on a moral or ethical issue. 2. Failing to assist a friend or ally. 3. Killing for any reason other than survival. 4. Breaking your word to a friend or ally, unless life is threatened. 5. Needless torture. 6. Making a sacrifice for someone unrelated to you. 7. Refusing to kill when important to your survival. 8. Betraying an ally or friend, unless life is in danger. 9. Showing mercy to a dire enemy. 10. Taking sides in a conflict that doesn't affect your survival.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Considering her position in her new clan, Zverda quickly adopted a mothering mentality in order to raise her own cubs. Despite this kindness however, she remains a strong willed Xenosmilus who is fully capable of taking care of herself should she need to. On top of her stubborn nature, she has also adopted the thought and actions of a rather harsh leader, setting other large predators within her clan in their place without so much as batting an eye.[/indent] [b]Classification and Faction:[/b] To Be Determined at a later date [b]Background and History:[/b] [indent]Created in a lab using remains found encased deep within a polar ice cap. Due to the lack of oxygen or water, the remains of the Xenosmilus that Zverda was created from still maintained a small amount of ancient DNA, a miracle find indeed. As she was the first to be successfully grown with the DNA use, the scientists were pleased to find out that she was female, and set to work attempting to grow other felines in an attempt to use her as a breeding mill to bring back an extinct race.[/indent] [indent]As time went on, the scientists were quick to learn that Zverda would only allow one human female anywhere near her, and would move to maul anyone else who came near her. She was also unresponsive to most males they had managed to create, often turning on them and attacking them in the most brutal of ways. Due to this, she was later forced into a smaller enclosure on her own, the area large enough for her but not large enough for them to allow any other felines to live with her.[/indent] [indent]As time went on, she grew larger until she reached her max height and weight, her massive size intimidating all but the woman who had taken care of the felid since birth. It wasn’t until she had reached five years of age and had gone through 5 breeding cycles of denying every male they presented her that she was finally released into the wild. While she wasn’t able to completely comprehend the reason, those who worked within the establishment were aware of the impending disaster and the implications it would have on their ability to maintain the habitats for the felids they possessed. As they did not want the large cats to starve, they released them into the forest that surrounded the facility in hopes that they would have a better chance within the wilds. As she had only had interaction with the one she had come to think of as mother, there was nothing that really caused her to hesitate once the woman had told her to leave. The woman who had named her for the mark upon her forehead was the last human Zverda had seen for some time, apart from those unfortunate to run into her woods.[/indent] [indent]It was weeks after her release that she ran into a male felid that she thought was of any worth. Tybalt was a smilodon that had been in an enclosure adjacent to her own during their time of captivity. Why it had taken them so long to cross paths confused her, but she was happy to see him all the same. As she approached him with caution, she kept herself tense and ready to pounce if anything came to attack her, her movements were slow, deliberate and full of questions.[/indent] [indent]When he made no move to attack her, she slowly approached him and gently bumped her head against his chest. He had been the one she was interested in, she had seen him a couple times and he was the reason why she denied every male they sent to her. When he did not move away, she slid her head under his chin and rubbed the entire length of her body against his.[/indent] [indent] That was their first formal meeting, and that was the day she had made the choice to stay with him regardless of if he wanted her or not. Luckily, five years and four litters later, he had accepted her.[/indent]