ALL RIGHT, EVERYONE! Today is the DAY! We have reached the day of the DEADLINE! We're looking forwards to seeing all of the finished sheets and we promise to be swift and just with our reviews so we can get started as soon as possible! I know I'm excited about this and I sure hope ya'll are, too! I'll be real generous and say you have 24 hours from RIGHT NOW to post your finished sheets (unless, of course, your sheet is already completed and accepted). If no major alterations needs to be done, we're planning to get this up and rolling within the next week. [@Bishop][@MMGiru][@Hillan][@Raijinslayer][@Ciphra][@alexfangtalon][@Halvtand] [quote=@Raijinslayer] [@Halvtand]Okay, also I'm fine with him not being a baby right around the time he arrives at the town. That is what I was thinking when I put 'all of his childhood', though I guess I should've put 'practically' in there to make it more clear. [/quote] That's fine. When the corrections have been made, feel free to add your character to the Character Tab and consider him accepted.