[quote=@Captain Jenno]The rules remain, power-or-range has always been a facet of Stands in general and having a Developmental Potential stat in a roleplay seems presumptuous given you and your characters have no idea where you're going.[/quote] I wouldn't say necessarily in terms of stats, but you are right. [quote=@Captain Jenno]Although on the topic of thinking things not particularly proper, I'd prefer your first post in a new OOC weren't made up mostly of a two paragraph critique of the game system...[/quote] Absolutely true. I've no right to say what should or shouldn't be. [quote=@Captain Jenno]It should be noted that the stat system is a means of ranking, not of restricting.[/quote] I never meant to imply the system was meant to actively restrict us. I won't comment any more. Right now, I'm mostly just struggling with actually creating my own Stand right now, since it has a certain power that's kind of difficult to nail down in terms of raw stats. I also need to figure out appearances, something I've never really done quite so well with in writing...