Lance smiled and waved at the boy with the gun as he walked away. He heard the girl from before start to lecture him before she was interrupted by another student with an interesting weapon. Something like an element gauntlet which was unusual and very imaginative. The other students still seemed so quiet. Other than the few, including Lance himself, who were making any sort of scene were up and about. A few seconds later, though, and the crowd dissipated as the kids went different ways. Lance shrugged and smiled big, hearing that they were near the Academy. Lance wasn't claustrophobic but he wasn't a fan of being stuck on a ship much longer. He wanted to see what other students were around. "It is about time." Lance lifted his large blade with ease, pulling the magnetized buttons on his sheath out so the blade slid right in place and was secured. Lance could feel his tail unravel itself from his waist and move, not enjoying to be twisted all day. Even it needed some wiggle room every now and then.