I did some changes to my CS. I was dissatisfied with my character's appearance, so I changed it quite drastically. [hider=Appearance changes] [quote=The Mad Hatter][B]Clothing:[/b] The bottom layer of her regular outfit is made up by a tight-fitting, lime-green swimsuit-style top with some net details and snap-buttons in the crotch and one in the back of the neck. With this, she wears a skirt is matching color, with a light blue pattern on it, a hole on each side of the thighs and a tight fit till the middle of her thighs, where it loosens up and flails out. The skirt is made in somewhat heavy and quite flexible fabric and can, despite the tight fit over her thighs, move with her body and allows her free movement of her legs. Her ninja boots are more sandal than boots and the light blue color of them matches the pattern of her skirt as well as her small gloves. The entire outfit is accented with three belts around her abdomen to give the illusion of a defined waist and custom-made weapon holsters on either thigh, adorned by netting to match her top. In her hair, she almost always wears one of her fragrant flowers.[/quote] [hider=Images] [hider=Regular – Ninja Gear] [img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/Sawaru%20regular_zpsrxl32rj3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Winter – Cold-Weather Gear] [img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/Sawaru%20winter_zpsrutzxme4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Casual – Off-Duty Gear] [img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/Sawaru%20casual_zpse0bblr8x.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Formal – Party Gear] [img]http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t291/o0love0o14/Sawaru%20formal_zpsk9yq7zom.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] And I added the flower in her hair to Equipment [quote=The Mad Hatter] [list] [*]Eiusmodi suavitatis [indent]The name of the flower in her hair. It is a beautiful flower with a delicious fragrance that has a calming effect.[/indent] [/list] [/quote] I also added her Secret Place "Sawaru's Tranquil Canopy" under her sheet for easy access to it. Some minor adjustments have been made to the sheet during the week, but nothing that should cost her acceptance. .:EDIT:. By the way, everyone! If you want your characters to know any of the other characters, it might be a good idea to establish some character relationships.