[img]http://media.gamerevolution.com/images/misc/rage-review-buggy-car-vehicle-combat.jpg[/img] [hider=Theme Song] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmV-jCpW2P8[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=FAQ] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4f/b6/f2/4fb6f2f6421b4eb24db6bef057d5a6aa.jpg[/img] [b][u]WHAT'S GOING ON?[/u][/b] This is not what you asked for, I certainly didn't but my convoy was wiped out in our last raid. No surviors, those mutants and bandits didn't let anyone escape, because they knew would come back. But I got out, and I am coming back. But I cant do it alone. [b][u]WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?[/u][/b] The mission? one trip to Phoenix, Arizona. I'm based in Florida so it will be a long trip but I'm offering 50,000 credits to each of you who are able to join me. I dont need to tell you its dangerous, and I don't need to tell you that my team were some of the most powerful sons of bitches I've ever encountered but the last leg of the journey still was too much for them. We are going after the [b]Oil Refinery[/b], the chief of the settlement here in Jacksonville, Florida is offering an insane amount of money as his city needs oil badly, and they have exhausted nearly all the sources here in his own county. I need you guys to become a new convoy, get the oil and bring it back here. [b][u]WHO ARE WE?[/u][/b] You guys are Wastelanders, basically skilled mercenaries, outlaws, adventurers, assassins, and hopefully bad-asses of the post apocalyptic world. None of you are killing yourselves working in the mines or on the skyscrapers 15 hours a day. You've decided to take the more exciting path in this crappy world. I've put out an invitation to all of you to meet me at my garage in florida, as soon as you are all here we leave for Arizona. [b][u]WHAT ARE WE CAPABLE OF?[/u][/b] Well as you may already know there are almost no guns anymore. Ammunition is ridiculously scarce so we rely on different ways of killing each other now. I take it you all know how to fight, otherwise you wouldn't be alive right now. Your martial arts and whatever melee weapons you've salvaged are probably going to be your greatest weapon here in the wasteland. Also you have a car, or at least what most people will accept as a car these days. This is your other weapon, no real ballistics but with some sharp driving and hard chassis youll be able to fuck up the rival vehicles we will encounter on the way. My favourite is to PIT manouver a car and drag the driver out and beat him to death. But I'm sure you all have your preferences. [hider=3 simple steps] [img]http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/12-06-2013/TGqMzK.gif[/img] [img]http://ci.memecdn.com/646/9090646.jpg[/img] [img]http://politicaloutcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/beatdown.gif[/img] [/hider] [b][u]WHO ARE YOU?[/u][/b] My name is Mick Mercer, and I'll be following the convoy in this.... [hider=The Mantis] [img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/games/1/29/28829/thumb_620x2000/Illustration_-_Helicopter.jpg[/img] [/hider] ..Looks like crap right? well dont worry I didn't build it, I stole it, and its one of the only flying machines left in the south so dont laugh. It'll allow me to oversee your convoy and give you up to date info on your surroundings. Think of me as mission control just a few feet above you.....so are you you ready? [/hider] [b]Vehicles Explained[/b] Each vehicle performs differently and for this game we have to keep it fair. So for your performance I'm giving you [b]55 points[/b] to spend however you wish on you vehicles stats. You can choose to be balanced or specialized....at your own risk. The Categories Are [b][color=ed1c24]Firepower:[/color][/b](the damage your weapons can do other vehicles.) [color=00a651][b]Frame:[/b][/color](The durability of your vehicle, also increases ramming damage) [b][color=0072bc]Grip:[/color][/b](The Handling and stability of your vehicle on the road) [color=fff200][b]Acceleration:[/b][/color] (How fast your vehicle gains speed.) [b][color=ec008c]Top Speed:[/color][/b](The maximum speed your vehicle can reach) So for example if a car with 34 firepower shoots a missile a car with 4 Frame, it will probably be obliterated on the spot. And if a car with 29 frame rams a care with only 9 grip, its probably going to send it spinning out of control. These are all things to take into account when building your vehicle. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: (Full) Age: (15-65) Height: Weight: Nationality: Appearance: (Text or Pic) Fighting Style: (whatever martial arts or description of hand to hand techniques) Specific Skill: (only one, something like lockpicking, medicine, explosives, mapmaking, cooking....anything useful in the wasteland) Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players characters this should also explain what the character plans to do with the money should he/her succeed) Theme Song: (optional) [/hider] [hider=Vehicle Sheet] Name: (nickname and/or model) Apperance: (pic would be nice) Firepower: Grip: Frame: Acceleration: Top Speed: Flavor Text: (Optional background about the car and how it was acquired) [/hider] [b][u]THE WAR CHEST:[/u][/b] So basically as you might notice you aren't carrying much if anything. Which is fine, its the nature of the wasteland, we all travel light and things break and get lost, deal with it. But I gathered some junk from the city which might be useful to all of you, so here's the deal, you may take [b]One Person Item and One Driving Item Each. This is first come first serve and I only have on of each.[/b] But even if you don't get the item you wanted, don't worry you'll pick up plenty of cool shit in the desert this is just to start you off. [hider=Items] [u][b]Person Items[/b][/u] Sawn Off Shotgun (1 shell) [s]Crowbar [/s] [s]Barbed Wire Bat [/s] [s]1970s Sniper Rifle (2 rounds) [/s] [s]Prison Shank [/s] [s]Brass Knuckles [/s] [s]Stab Proof Vest [/s] 4 Sticks of Dynamite Compass [u][b]Driver's Item[/b][/u] [s]Border Spikes (Attach to Car to keep off hood jumpers) [/s] [s]Barbed Tire Wire (To grind against adjescent vehicles) [/s] [s]Road Spikes (2 Caches to drop) [/s] Hood Rocket (Single use, forward facing, anti-car weapon) [s]Hood Gatling Gun (forward facing low calibre machine gun, 30 rounds) [/s] Rear Mounted Flamethrower (mostly empty fuel tank) [s]Grappling Hook and Winch (Only as strong as the car pulling it) [/s] [s]Battering Ram (increased Ramming Damage) [/s] [/hider] __________________________________________ No fighting over these guys...