[@The Elvenqueen][@RumikoOhara][@Draconequis] [Center] [color=pink] [h2]Alyssa Samara Chase [/h2] [/color] Aly huffed as she heard that it was the blood replenisher. She didn't remember it, but it seemed unfair they were actually doing work on the first day of school. It didn't surprise her but it did disappoint her. She flipped her book open to the page about the potion blood-replenishment. She eyed the dificulty set on the page. 'Advanced.' It read making her frown more. She had no chance of doing this right, but she had to try. She looked down the list of ingredients, and then got them placing them out onto her desk. She began doing her best to follow the directions on the page, though directions were never actually her specialty. Finishing cutting the fang in half she placed it in and eyed Melonie. [Color=pink] "Yea"[/color] She added on,[color=pink] "I think at least" [/color] She couldn't be so sure since she didn't even know what was actually suppose to happen, but she hadn't caused an explosion yet so that was a good sign. [/center]