[ACTIVATE [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8m5T-9zJuc]INTRODUCTION MUSIC[/URL]!] Unlike most superheroes, Marvin wasn't flying or running or driving some insanely cool vehicle, nope he was taking the bus like you average low income working class America, except Marvin was still waiting for his papers to go through and get full citizenship. He had to admit that this wasn't what he would call proper traveling methods for a hero, but until he made it big then he would have to settle with this very mundane mode of transportation. On the bust there were people staring at him and one annoying bum was talking endlessly about his imaginary friends. The bus soon came to his stop and Marvin quickly got off the bus. His destination was the downtown bank where he had heard of a bank robbery on the police radio he had. Now he would have to get in the action and bust some robbers. He summoned his spectral hand and it floated beside him as he approached the bank. He didn't want to have an altercation with the police so Marvin decided to keep out of sight from law enforcement. He slowly approached the bank and decided to enter through the back entrance. "This is gonna be a piece of cake" he said to himself as he slowly moved through bank to where the robbers were hold and with hostages. Keeping the hostages safe was going to be difficult, but he wasn't going to give up, especially if it was chance to get famous and be a celebrity among heroes. "This should make me popular, now that I live in a universe that doesn't have godlike heroes, I can finally be the most famous hero that the world's ever seen" Marvin said to himself with a smug grin.