[@jaybreezy][@Sleeth][@Rallou][@Overlord24][@KatherinWinter] Alyssa huffed as she heard him say the consequence. She didn't want to know what punished meant nor cared. Knowing the place already, it was probly something such as being beaten till you agree to cooroporate or something. She was not curious enough to find out either, though she didn't bother to look till she finished her piece of pizza. Alyssa glared behind her as she eyed the boy. " Do you want to take some of that back?" She warned squinting her eyes at him. She huffed as she turned back to the table calming down slightly. She half laughed at the reasons to be like that comment,"Sure you do." She sarcastically snarled back. Accedently using her powers on Ryan, she read his mind, not something she actually attended to do and it made her curios. [i] What can she do other than be annoying? [/i] " What did you just say about me?" She questioned warningly. Aly saw that both Avery and Eryx found there files with no problem what's so ever. So hers should be just as easy to find right? The was one problem, she had no clue where to look or where she would look. It could be anywhere. It made her question how the other two had found there's so easily. Her first guess was that they cheered, but she didn't understand how they would of cheated. She leaned on her chair as she eyed Eryx. "Do you know where mine is?" She asked. If she didn't have to do the work, why would she? She could just have someone else do it for her instead, saving her the work and effort of the process. The girl eyed Eryx as he gave that speech about intelligence. It was completely stupid thought. "Then what else are you supose to do wise guy." She remarked shaking her head. Alyssa half laughed at Ryan's threat about taking everyone there down. "Do you want to test that wise guy?" She questioned half jokingly. "Wouldn't be too sure about it if I were you!" "Your just as much of a dog as him so you shouldn't even be talking!" She reminded him shaking her head annoyed. "So how about you shut your big trap up!" She told Eryx.