[hider=Tatsuya Kajiya] [b][u]General Info[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Kajiya, Tatsuya [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] "The town handyman" [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Age Appearance:[/b] The height and muscle give most people the impression that he's in his early twenties. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight -====- [b][u]Loyalty[/u][/b] [b]Village:[/b] Gobigakure, Village of the End, Gobi no Kuni. [b]Birthplace:[/b] Kirigakure, Village of the Mists, Mizu no Kuni [b]Organization:[/b] His village and his mother, as he owes a great deal to both -====- [b][u]Ninja Information[/u][/b] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] His mother is a disgraced member of the Terumi family, and while she herself doesn't have their Lava style Kekkei Genkai, her son might. Only time will tell. On his father's side, he claims the Kajiya name, a well-known clan of blacksmiths, rumored to have made the blades if the seven ninja swordsmen. [b]Rank:[/b] Chunin [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] Fire and Earth -====- [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] While his frame is rather slender and lean, his time working the forge, as well as his ninja training, has helped him gain quite a bit of muscle in his upper body, as well as a few scars and calluses that are bound to show up in his line of work. [b]Height:[/b] 6ft 2in, or 189cm [b]Weight:[/b] 185lbs, or 84kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] Deep Auburn [b]Hair Style:[/b] Due to the fact that he focuses more on his work than his own personal appearance, he's allowed his spiky hair to grow pretty wild, sticky out in every which way and looking like it'd never seem a comb or brush in it's life. He does make sure to get it cut every so often, so that he doesn't end up burning it while he does his work, so it's usually either cut just above the shoulders, or left as is, but tied in a pony tail. Currently, it's in the ponytail stage, though hes been getting bothered by it lately, so it won't be for long. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Dark Red [b]Clothing:[/b] His normal clothing style is usually a plain white T-shirt, some jeans and steel toed boots(a necessity in his profession). He sometimes where a jacket if it;s cold enough for one, but more often than not, that's it for his casual wear. His combat outfit is a black, long sleeve shirt, a jacket over that, black combat pants and shinobi sandals. -====- [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] While Tatsuya wasn't born in Gobigakure, he might as well have given that it's the place he's lived for practically all his childhood. His mother had come here because she had nowhere else to go, with hardly a penny to her name and nothing but broken resentment in her heart. For as long as he'd known his mother, she'd always been depressed, and the dismal atmosphere of the village had done little to improve her mood in that regard. Tatsuya, however, grew up as a rather happy child despite his mother's constant sadness, or maybe because of it. He was always trying to get her to cheer up or laugh, anything to get that frown of her face, but usually to no avail. One day however, when he was about 8, he happened to walk by the town blacksmith. The ring of metal slamming against metal, the heat of the forge, the shining glint of the wares this man had made with his own two hands, it called to something deep inside. He begged the blacksmith, a grizzled old man whose skin seemed to be more scar tissue, wrinkles, and callouses than actual skin, to take him on as his apprentice. The man refused at first, stating he didn't need one. And he did so again the next day, and the next day, and so it continued for about 5 months until finally, when Tatsuya came to the store, he was met with a hammer thrown at his feet and the blacksmith motioning for him to hurry up already. The next 10 years of his life was spent learning everything he could and more from the old man, as well as signing up for the town's ninja program, seeing learning how to use chakra to be a valuable skill to have if nothing else. The old man taught Tatsuya as much as he could and, to the boy he now looked at as a son, he held only pride and praise as he saw him grow up t be a hardworking individual. Alas, it had to come to an end sooner rather than later, as the old man was in the twilight of his life. He passed away a year before the present date, peacefully in his sleep and with no true regrets beisde being unable to finish Tatsuya's training. It was something that both of them knew would come soon, and Tatsuya was only glad that his master and father figure was able to die in the manner he wanted, peacefully and doing what he loved. [b]Today:[/b] Nowadays, Tatsuya is doing what he can to help the village, taking regular orders and a few odd jobs as well, but feeling a bit . . . empty. As he works day to day, both as a shinobi and as the town blacksmith/weapon supplier, he feels like he needs something more, something greater than all this. He doesn't know what it is yet, but he knows that their was more to life than just this, and that he'd never be able to grow as a shinobi, and even more importantly, as blacksmith, if he just stayed here. He wants, no, he needs more, to inspire and drive him to greater heights of skill, he needs to escape the village, but he knows that he can't do it alone. [b]Personality:[/b] Tatsuya is a bit of a workaholic, only taking breaks once in a while before throwing himself back into whatever he's doing at the moment, whether it be work in the forge, training his shinobi skills, or simply helping out around the village. He knows that he has a bit of a problem, but he can't help it, he always feels nervous and fidgety if he isn't doing something of importance or worth. When it comes to talking to others, he rather open and honest, always greeting people with a smile and a wave, never really adverse to talking with anybody. He's a bit naive as well, tending to be a bit too trusting with people, even if he's never met them before. He's not that good at lying, but he's very good at keeping secrets, strangely enough. If you tell him something in confidence, you're assured that nobody is ever going to hear about it from him, no matter what. He's also extremely loyal to his friends and family, and the only times he gets really angry is when they've been hurt or slighted. His temper is not easily flared, but when it is, it's very, very hard to douse the fires of his rage. Even if the initial outburst is settled, it's very likely that he'll carry a grudge about the issue for sometime afterwards. Tatsuya is also a bit of a dreamer and a romantic, having joined the Shinobi forces with the stories of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju circulating in the back of his mind. -====- [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] [list] [*]He's rather skilled in Kenjutsu, that being his main combat focus [*]Some knowledge of fuinjutsu, something he's gotten into recently, thinking of ways to incorporate it into his smithing [*]Has a Knack for Blacksmithing [*]His chakra control is a bit lacking compared to the average Chunin, making Genjutsu rather difficult for him [*]Taijutsu is okay [*]Ninjutsu skills skills are around the average of what is to be expected. [*]His Kenjutsu style is an altered form of the samurai style that his old master taught him, as the man ad used to be a samurai back in the day, though he found the life not for him an defected. It focuses on quick, decisive blows to either strike down or incapacitate a foe, focusing more on an overwhelming offense and evading/deflecting blows rather than blocking them. [/list] -====- [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [*]Maintainence kit for all of his gear [*]Set of about 15 Kunai and 40 Shuriken [*]A wakazashi that he made himself, holds quite the keen edge. [*]A katana that was a gift from the old man, also has a keen edge, as well as a small dagger hidden in the hilt. [*]A tanto, what he usually carries on him [*]Sealing scroll, holds most of his supplies, and his Wakazashi and Katana. [*]Bracers made from Chakra metal he managed to get off the few traders that make their way through, he can channel Earth chakra into them to increase their durability. Chakra metal was impure, however, so the increase isn't as good as he might've liked. [*]Ninja wire and caltrops, cause you be we know when they might come in handy[/list] -====- [b][u]Jutsu:[/u][/b] All Academy Techniques [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Doton: Earth Fist [u]Classification[/u] Ninjutsu [u]Rank:[/u] C Rank [u]Effect:[/u] By surrounding their arm in a coat of solidified earth, the user can deal a powerful hardened punch against an opponent while being protected from direct contact with their target. [u]Drawback:[/u] N/A [u]Name:[/u] Doton: Ram Head [Ohitsuji Kashira] [u]Classification[/u] Ninjutsu [u]Rank:[/u] C Rank [u]Effect:[/u] A basic earth protection jutsu where a small, curved wall about the size of the creator is created. It can deflect projectiles and C-ranked fire jutsu but is weakened by water jutsu. [u]Drawback:[/u] N/A [b]Kenjutsu[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Chakra Coat [u]Classification[/u] Kenjutsu [u]Rank:[/u] C-rank [u]Effect:[/u] The user applies their chakra to a weapon by covering said weapon in chakra, enabling them to use similar effects as would be seen while using a chakra metal blade. [u]Drawback:[/u] This is much less efficient than using a chakra blade, and can be draining on Tatsuya's reserves if he uses it constantly, especially with his poor control. Also, again due to his poor chakra control, the coating can't retain much of an edge yet, though refining his skills up to that point due make for a good exercise in chakra control. [u]Name:[/u]Iaido [u]Classification[/u] Kenjutsu [u]Rank:[/u] B [u]Effect:[/u] The basis of his kenjtutsu style, it focuses heavily on striking fast and hard before your opponent has a chance to react, taking advantage of the power and speed that are gained when drawing one's blade from it's sheath. Tatsuya, however, has much to learn about this style and is far from mastering it. While his draw speed is certainly fast, it has yet to reach the level where it's faster than what the human eye can perceive. [u]Drawback:[/u] N/A [b]Taijutsu:[/b] Basic Taijutsu style [b]Genjutsu:[/b] N/A [/hider] [hider=Jutsu Sheet] (Copy-paste to perfection) [u]Name:[/u] Name of the jutsu. Preferably in both English and Japanese. [u]Classification[/u] Hiden, medical, doujutsu, kinjutsu, etc. [u]Rank:[/u] E-S Rank. [u]Effect:[/u] What is the effect of the jutsu? [u]Drawback:[/u] What, if anything, is the drawback of the jutsu? [/hider]