[i]Patience, young Kili, I hope your brother taught you that. Adventure is ahead of you, and I will be there, but now, let's not have any grudges between me and your kin[/i] Saeril's soft voice sounded without her lips moving, although her luminous green-yellow eyes trailed to him. Yes, since she was blessed to both brothers, there was now a mind-link with them, although she knew that they couldn't communicate with between each other the same way. She was emotionally-linked to both Fili and Kili, meaning she could feel their emotions, hear their thoughts, see their memories, whatever she was accessed to inside their heads, but the brothers can't link with each other alone. If either one of them falls, the elf bonded to them can have an emotional change, making them grimmer and imbalanced. This was certainly the reason why the Fangorn Elves were tasked to protect them. "She will be joining us for this quest", the wizard sounded in the background, which made the Dwarf prince sigh in annoyance. Another elf. It had to be one of the people who betrayed his grandfather. "You need to reach mountain before the last days of Autumn", Beorn recalled over them. "You are running out of time", he added to them. "Which is way we must go through Mirkwood", Gandalf responded the ski changer, which made Saeril frown at hearing such a place. "That forest lies in the deepest part. Foul things creep beneath those trees. I would not venture there, unless in great need", Beorn warned him with grim in his rough voice.