[center] [sub]Rated M for mature/triggering content, including language & violence. NO LONGER ACCEPTING.[/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jEE2jZZ.gif[/img] They called themselves Seeders. At least, that’s what their message said when you first arrived on Monument. You don’t remember them – but their message was carved into a plaque on the structure that reached to touch the sky. The message told you what you were, but not who. Who am I? you wonder, but you have little time to answer this question, before four others join you, silently. Together, you read the message, over and over. You ask yourselves questions, wordlessly. [i]Where are we? Who are we? Why are we here? [/i] The message promises to answer these questions, should you reach the next Monument. It takes a moment, but you can see its shape looming far in the distance. The journey would be perilous, and you feel weak. But you're curious. So curious... [b]Will you go, stranger? Will you seek your answers?[/b][/center] [center][hider=Plot Synopsis & Purpose] MONUMENT is an advanced, science fiction, new-world puzzler, focusing around solving mysteries, survival, and reaching the final destination. Five young humans were plucked from the wreckage of post-nuclear war Earth. These humans were groomed, colored, and prepared for colonization of another world by the Seeders. Once ready, the Seeders wiped their memories and deposited these humans on a new world, called MONUMENT. To discover who they are, where they came from, and why they are here, the Five must find the rest of the obelisks and the messages they contain. As a player, you will write as one of the Five. The Seeders are no-player-characters, and will be controlled by the GM. Your goal as one of the Five is to find all 7 of the Monuments, and the messages they contain. Once all 7 Monuments are unlocked, they will have reached the Promised Land, safe from harm and full with Human history. The Five will begin to colonize the planet, and the RP will be over. Depending on the reception of the RP, there may be a sequel set in the future – but for now, here we are! [/hider] [hider= The Five & Details] [h3]THE FIVE[/h3] [b]The Leader [/b] The Leader is strong, resolute, and determined. They have a strong sense of purpose and destiny. When push comes to shove, there's gotta be someone that stands up, takes charge, and makes a decision. Even if it goes unsaid, it's usually obvious to everyone who's calling the shots, and that's the Leader. They should be practical, mature, and unselfish. [b]The Charismatic[/b] The Charismatic is witty, funny, and optimistic. Though faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, the Charismatic always has a joke, comeback, or innuendo for any situation. Generally their humor is a defense for fear or hurt they hide underneath. Often considered the most annoying or the most loved of the group; most outspoken and outgoing member. Being so determined they often lead the Five both in and out of trouble, and inspire the team to work through problems. Often noted for their bravery/folly. [b]The Heart[/b] The Heart is kind, nurturing, and empathetic. They tend to put others before themselves. Usually the one to talk another down from a ledge. Seen as a healer or a comforter. A peacekeeping role to balance out the other members' aggression, bringing them to a nice or at least manageable medium. Often the most personally invested in the team's goals. Their personality is what brings, and keeps, the Five together. [b]The Mind[/b] The Mind is smart, levelheaded, and unbiased. They have clear goals in mind from the beginning. They rely on their smarts and ability to be one step ahead of their competition. They are masters of manipulation and tactics. They will always be prepared, sometimes crazy-prepared. Expect some fancy talk and Techno Babble from this character. Because their role is about solving, learning, and understanding, they initially do not feel emotionally attached to the Five. [b]The Lancer[/b] The Lancer is cocky, self-providing, and arrogant. Thier force of personality makes them a partner or friendly rival to the Leader. They have equal footing when paired up with the Leader, rather than a sidekick. They often cover their emotions with a smart remark or a disagreement. The instigator and voice of dissent. The least likely to be a team player. They're the one who sneaks off on their own to advance the team's goals in the way they think is best. Often a Grumpy Bear. Having a different mindset in terms of goals, training, or background. They may be more willing to employ dirty tricks or venture into moral gray areas. [h3]THE SEEDERS, EARTH, & OTHER DETAILS[/h3] The Seeders are a federation of extraterrestrial beings of varying species and background. They monitor and keep track of sentient races with no knowledge of alien life. Their job is to remain completely anonymous, but foster and prolong the lives of these races. Often, the Seeders create natural disasters, nudge the race in the direction of advancement, or rescue the race from certain doom. The Seeders have looked over the Human Race since the beginning of time, and when the Earth fell into unrecoverable chaos, the Seeders chose 5 young Humans from the dying waste of Earth and took them to be prepared for colonization of a new planet. Thousands of years ago, Seeders planted 2 humans on a young planet Earth: Adam and Eve. However, the race did not grow as fast as they had wished, and was several times threatened by extinction – thus, 5 chosen Humans will populate their new planet, called Monument. Previously, Monument had been occupied by a species of grace and elegance that erected thousands of beautiful, puzzling obelisks. This species died of natural causes, and left Monument empty for repopulation. The Seeders, over the generations, have learned new skills of DNA/Physical "editing." The Five were kept with the Seeders for 10 years, so the Seeders could purify each human and perfect them as much as possible. During these 10 years, the Five were treated as honored guests aboard the Seeder ship. However, when the 10 years was up, their memories were completely erased. The Five have no knowledge of who they were, where they came from, or who the Seeders are. [h3]EDITING[/h3] The editing performed by the Seeders was mostly physical – erasing diseases, physical ailments, and other problems that the sick and dying Earth may have hoisted on the Five. However, there were some aesthetic changes, as well – for example, the Seeders added a code of DNA that gave each of the Five facial and body markings. Since the Five will be the founding populators of Monument, their markings are strong, distinct, and colorful. Over the generations the markings will become less prominent and more natural. The Seeders also changed the skin, eye, and hair pigmentation of the Five. [/hider] [hider= Obelisks & Creatures] [h3]MONUMENT[/h3] Monument itself is a beautiful planet with cresting peaks, sparkling oceans, and still forests. However, the planet itself differs greatly from Earth in how it functions – the physics of Monument are entirely different. For example, the gravity of the planet is much less than that of Earth. If one were to jump off of a cliff, they would simply float to the bottom. Of course, depending on the size of the cliff, they may pick up speed and land with a jolt, but this gravity allows any inhabitants of Monument to climb, jump, and run much higher and faster than otherwise. Below are a list of important facts about Monument's physicality. [b]* Low gravity. * Prehensile/active/sentient flora – They cannot speak, but the trees and plants may reach out to touch you. * Various kinds of water. Some is poisonous, while most is completely safe. Most of Monument's water is so oxygenated that Humans can breathe underneath it for a short time. * Tense water. With the lack of gravity, there are some bodies of water that are taut enough to be walked on top of. * Three suns and two moons. Monument is in a whole different galaxy. The light from the suns is about 3/4 of the light from Earth's sun (in total.) Thus, even when all the suns are up, Monument is a chilly place. * Active tectonics. The foundation of Monument is constantly building upon itself – the planet is growing, getting bigger at a very small rate. The Five will never notice this, unless there's a large movement in the plates. * Six senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and ception. Ception is a mental probe, not unlike telepathy. This is harbored by Monument's atmosphere and the chemicals residing on the surface. The more time you spend on Monument, the stronger your ception becomes. * More to be added. [/b] [h3]FAUNA & CREATURES[/h3] [hider=Rykes] Rykes, and all variations, are in layman's terms, griffins/gryphons. A big cat's body with a bird's talons, head, and wings. Though generally friendly towards Humans, Rykes can be hostile, especially when you're near their young or their nest. There are lesser and greater Rykes. Lesser Rykes are about the size of a large housecat, while greater Rykes can be as big as a rhinoceros. [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/7eec/f/2015/080/7/5/g_enyo_young_gryphon_1_by_fancypigeon-d8mkuvd.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Scols]Large, scaled creatures. Not friendly – often hostile towards newcomers. Outfitted with large teeth, a large tail, and large eyes. Often travel in packs, like wolves. There are lesser Scols, which are smaller, less dangerous, and more antagonistic. A Scol will never attack unless with its pack. A lone, cornered Scol is the most dangerous creature on Monument – but if you leave it alone, it won't hurt you. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/b342/f/2009/091/c/a/the_pass_by_sandara.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Nels]Nels are quite simply horses – however, they cannot see. They rely on touch, sound, smell, and ception. They are very skittish, and always wild. Near impossible to tame. Unique markings cover each nel. [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/87a2/i/2011/052/3/5/plainstrider_template_by_kirema-d3a2mtc.jpg[/img][/hider] More creatures are likely to be added at a later time. [h3]THE SURFACE[/h3] Details about each Monument will be revealed as the Five reach them. [hider=OBELISKS] [hider= Monument One][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/de9b2d40131201961333db565fe96061/tumblr_o4ykisoNch1qct03ko3_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Two][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/1e2b474dbf78ba7f8290e040f36fc825/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko5_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Three][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/69505da25462effa647d3f32ac7c800a/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko4_500.jpg[/img] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/f8e0f78389ef4d5f565831e078846b32/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko3_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Four][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d95d2bfcede47e459cad02d39315b6ff/tumblr_o4ykisoNch1qct03ko2_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Five][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/969931ba1e0a74dfaddb87f435f39d4e/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko6_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Six][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/7d5bafe98c0e8b9d3eddb6a7459edcce/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko7_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Monument Seven][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/3c1fa0ba74edd5b84d3e70922c4f6e46/tumblr_o16ib8vwyY1qct03ko1_500.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=LANDSCAPE] [hider=The Ridges][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/09f33ae69dcfb4620f90af29e9915781/tumblr_o4ykisoNch1qct03ko5_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The Gates][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/dc985aa2d059da59156a0f090c5176de/tumblr_nx6xcdPqbD1qct03ko1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The Peaks][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d8e3f9d851c924182b7d7b1c966d6683/tumblr_nw9funwNLB1qct03ko1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The Fields][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/67c233e95d04c5e86b42b2e45e438a47/tumblr_o1agpwfpIs1qct03ko2_r1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The Valley of Water][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/28fbfe0fc611e0cc7b69df166288b7bb/tumblr_o4ykisoNch1qct03ko1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Rules & Character Sheet] I am the GM. My word is law. Put effort into your posts, character, and showmanship. If you're making a half-hearted attempt, you're likely to not get the spot. There are only 5 spaces available. It's likely you may be applying for a position someone else has applied for or will apply for. I, the GM, will choose who gets the part. Consider your CS your audition. Don't cry if you don't get it. On the other hand, you're welcome to apply for a different part if you don't get the one you want. Please provide at least 2 paragraphs per IC post. No catfights, no squabbles! Standard RP rules apply. [hider=Character Sheet] This is a large character sheet, I am aware. Feel free to remove or add anything you feel necessary. ROLE: [i](Leader, Charismatic, Heart, Mind, or Lancer)[/i] Name: [i](Please don't give me "Alexander" or "Nikki." The Five have almost no remembrance of social life on Earth, or the Seeder ship. Even talking is difficult. It's likely the names they would give each other would be like "Squirrel" or "Flat." Be creative.)[/i] Age: [i](Around 20.)[/i] Height/Weight: Body type: [i](Tall and skinny, short and muscular, etc.)[/i] Scent: Texture: [i](of hands, skin, etc.)[/i] Appearance: [i](Small written description + a picture, please. NO ANIME.) [/i] Action tags:[i] (scratching head, nail biting, etc.)[/i] Verbal tags: [i](“My, my,” “Huh?” etc. Also list speaking style: talkative, soft-spoken, loud, formal, accent, fast,etc.)[/i] Personality tags: [i](timidity, drunkenness, arrogance, etc. – list 6)[/i] Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Personality: [i](Please expound upon the description of the role you are applying for. Tailor it to your character.)[/i] Admirable personality traits: [i](strengths)[/i] Negative personality traits: [i](weaknesses)[/i] Things that make angry: Fears: Method of handling fear: Bad habits or vices: Most painful experiences in character’s past (to prove why they act the way they do): [i](Includes Earth life.)[/i] Summarize character’s Fatal Flaw: [i](the main problem to work through)[/i][/hider] [/hider][/center]