So this something I have come across a few times, both here and in chat, but it's people with English as a non primary language. I can understand how it's difficult to learn a new language and communicate with the non native tongue, so this is me saying well done for attempting your best in order to learn a second language... however I don't like being told that I am aggressive in the way I speak as an Australian when my own accent may come through in text. Terrible example to get the point: [quote]Person: "I heard Pluto is being dropped from the list of planets" Me: "oh that's bloody stupid" Person: "no need to be so agressive about it"[/quote] For us as Australians 'bloody' is as regular as many other swear words. We can make a sentence with nothing but swear words, and if we wanted we will say words like ratshit, rooted, cock-up and pig's arse. To us, these aren't swear words! This is normal speak. I just wish that when some non English people talk to an English speaker, they understand that there are many different varieties and we don't all use the same mannerisms.