Lizzy had been following the brief conversation, but her helmet followed Montana as he left the room. So few of the other freelancers were reaching out, and when that was coupled with the Director's speech, Lizzy was beginning to get a suspicious inkling that perhaps she hadn't entirely understood what Project Freelancer was all about. Maybe some of the others would feel the same as she did, but it wouldn't be possible to tell without asking, and she wasn't certain about sticking her neck out just yet. Her attention returned to Illinois and Iowa as they began moving toward the door. Well, maybe with these two it would be easier to tell, as well as to ask. "Food sounds good," Lizzy agreed, standing with the pair of them. Yes, clearly friendly was Illinois' default state. "I can always try to score some training time later. Always room for making friends, though. I knew this was going to be an assignment where we worked independently a lot, but I kind of assumed there would be some camaraderie here." As they reached the door of the room, Lizzy motioned at [b]Laura[/b]. "Hey, Cali, you wanna join us? We're going to grab some food."