[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaRtcfTazFE]inspiration[/url] For years Magical Children have been protecting the world from evil. Often this evil takes the form of Demons who break through the barrier between our world and the Demon World. For the most part these demons haven't ever been that smart, nothing more than mindless creatures. Lately however these demons have been becoming smarter. They have been able to damage the physical world, even harming humans. In the human world most consider these damages as natural phenomenon or rather just full vandalism. There have been a few attempts by the magical children to get to the bottom of this recent activity by the demons. However those that ever try to enter the demon world always seem to come back as demons themselves. Due to this the most that the magical girls can do is just keep defeating more demons. Thankfully with each demon they defeat they seem to be learning more about what is going on. So far what they have learned is that a new demon lord has been crowned within the demon world. This new demon lord brought with him a power of corruption, one that he can share with his fellow demons and even corrupted magical girls. Now a new group is being set up to try and enter the demon world once again, however corruption is something that will happen to them no matter what happens, can this new plague be stopped? CS: Name: Magical Child Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Appearance after transformation: Personality: Gimmick/Theme behind Powers: Psychological weakness: Powers: (All powers are at a medium level, this means no field destroying attacks)(Keep property damage to a minimum) History: (includes how they got their powers) Demon CS Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Powers: (All powers are at a medium level, this means no field destroying attacks)(Keep property damage to a minimum)(all demons can corrupt) History: (many demons have started out as humans) [hider=Corruption Mechanic] So Corruption works through exploiting the psychological weakness of the magical girl. Demons have the ability to create illusions, it's how they stay hidden from the public in the first place. With the corrupt power given by the demon lord they can learn about what that weakness is by touching the person. From there words are spouted to make the person go into a state of weakness. Then once weakened they become corrupted. [/hider] Rules/ Things to know 1. This is a globe trotting RP, there will be a portal system in place that only magical children can use so we can go from place to place with great ease. 2. Feel free to get super creative 3. No Meta gaming 4. When a battle between two players starts be sure to discuss who the victor should be before the battle. 5. CS must be posted in OOC before it goes to the character section. 6. If I decide to have your character to be corrupted for some reason your character is corrupted, though the corruption is temporary until they are defeated. 7. I will add more when I think of them. [hider=Episodes] [hider=Episode 1] The magical girls have met. However the magical girl known as Nya was taken when the demon lord herself showed up. The Demon Lord plans to turn Nya into a demon after learning about the girls psyche. [/hider] [/hider]