Once again Sarah had burned every second of her sugar reserves. Having quite happily and simply crawled in beside Marlene. It didn't even cross her mind to ask. Having quickly appropriated a pillow it was cuddled into submission as she simply crashed out. It was nearly half an hour after Marlene had left that she got out of bed. She didn't even flinch as she simply got up. Her mind was in a dream sequence still but she was more than awake. Yawning loudly she began to stumble to the shower. After a good scrub, she was solid once more and made her way to get breakfast. By that, she meant popping half a dozen food drinks and drinking them together. Calmly she walked back to her room and put on her "uniform" god damn..... That thing was a hunk of crap and she hated it. Bog standard panthers garb so colourless and drab. Though for once, it seemed to look right. Finally she looked out the window. "[b]Crap....Late...[/b]", Throwing her backpack on she moved to the ramp to see the last panther make his way in. With a sigh, she moved forwards and made her way to the security clearance got herself confirmed and made her way into the building. Good god it was depressing, Osbania didn't have anything near this kind of clean professional and cool equipment. Sarah moved into the meeting and sat down quietly. They really were just dogs weren't they. Not so different then. Mind you she was about to get a nice shiny new mech. Whether or not she had any intention whatsoever to use it wasn't the question. Those were some nice damn parts Mr. B would be plenty happy to have. She sent an open pulse the moment that they were dismissed, just happening to forget to pulse Cecilia too. [b]-You guys, I took one of their offered replacements. I'm going to the engineering department to take it apart, let me know if you are interested in what I find, LONG LIVE OSBANIA!-[/b]