I'm posting a draft here. It's mostly complete aside from the appearances, but I'd like to get some opinions on the work, most notably the Stand and its ability- it went though a handful of concepts before I got something much more simple to explain while being potentially interesting. [hider=Character Draft][u]Stand User[/u] Name: Cameron Cornell Shepard Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: -incomplete- Personality: -incomplete- Biography: Born and raised in the Seattle area of Washington state, Cameron wasn't exactly an exceptional youth at the time. He would be outgoing, as children often were, but would have difficulty actually making and establishing friends on his part, for reasons he himself didn't quite know. This would unfortunately single out Shepard just enough to become a target for the stereotypical bullies of the late elementary school environment. Needless to say, it was a position he didn't like to be in and quite wanted to get out any way he could. Eventually, it all reached a boiling point when Cameron found himself on the verge of being beaten senseless during his outdoor lunch. Fear, frustration, and the sheer desire for more power saw Shepard's stand awaken, and before he had even realized it, the young boy had beaten the clique of young teens with only his plastic eating utensils. Barring the severe repurcussions of the event, Cameron suddenly found himself with the reputation that he could beat anyone to a pulp with just a spoon, even going so far as to be called "Spoonman". This put the poor kid to the subject of many tests willing to test out this wild proclamation- not quite understanding the ability that got him into this mess, Shepard forced himself to man up and take on these hardships headfirst. By the time he left elementary school, he had been kicked out of two previous schools for being a needlessly violent delinquent. In hopes of correcting this, Cameron's mother took her boy and moved to the quiet town of Pleasant Valley - against these wishes, Shepard's father stayed behind in Washington to pursue a major business opportunity. The transition and the new town didn't quite mellow out Cameron as his mother had hoped; the latent Stand User ultimately found himself quite at home among the fellow delinquents of Pleasant Valley High. Time, and the nature of Pleasant Valley, did eventually prove to calm the young man regardless, and he began to pursue more productive interests than his own bloody survival within a school environment. Most recently, he has found himself joining the Boomtown Rats in an effort to try and learn more about his own Stand (affectionately named Spoonman in reference to his old nickname) and possibly harness it for a greater purpose. Namesakes: Matt Cameron, Ben Shepard, and Chris Cornell- the drummer, bassist, and lead singer/guitarist (respectively) of the American alternative/rock band Soundgarden. [u]Stand[/u] Name: Spoonman Appearance: -incomplete- Power: Item Empowerment - Spoonman has the ability to take any mundane tool or utensil and inflate its capability to dramatic effect. For example, a plastic knife in Spoonman's hands would have the cutting ability of a sword, or a spoon the impact of a mace. An item that would not have any significant destructive potential would be granted it: an eraser would turn into the likes of a deadly razor. Effectively, an object held in Spoonman's hands gains the same 'stats' as the Stand does, Destructive Power just being the most notable increase. As of right now, Cameron has knowledge of Spoonman's uses of simple kitchen and writing utensils, such as spoons, forks, pens, and erasers. Because he has yet to experiment extensively with his Stand, Cameron is yet unaware of how his Stand's ability could affect items with more complex uses. Stats: Destructive Power: A Speed: B Range: C Durability: C Precision: B[/hider] Also, I'd like to apologize for introducing myself to your roleplay on a poor note. It was a poor sense of judgement on my part and I feel wholly embarrassed about it.