[center] [hider=Jules Mason] [h1]Jules Mason[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RJJINZ9.png[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Jules is a young man of above-average height and medium to athletic build, yet still remaining somewhat lithe, standing at about 179 cm and 75 kg. Some of the man's most prominent features would have to be a rather crooked nose from one too many brawls in his youth, the serious to angry look always plastered about his face, compounded by the expressive eyebrows that dominate wide eyes. However, even more so than that lies a thick, almost paradoxically so, well-cared for pompadour resting atop his head of darkened hair. Even in official settings, Jules remains particularly unprofessional in clothing, often found clad in high collared jackets of a deep, dark purples and blacks. Combined with slacks of similar colour and plain white undershirts. [b]Personality:[/b] The young man often disparages his own intelligence, clearly understanding that he isn't particularly bright, nor does he believe that he can make decisions well, instead relying on the higher ups to do thinking for him. Yet he remains surprisingly arrogant in other aspects. Jules has an implacable temper, finding himself blowing up situations far worse than they might be through his demeanor. Though often focusing his hatred upon 'the things that matter', the pompadoured man is still very much a delinquent, a holdover from his youth that had not so much as been squashed in schooling years. Though he does have somewhat of an obsession with the prospects of manliness, and being the most 'manly man that could ever man man-dom'. And boy does he fail. He remains childish, and unprofessional, even to those of any higher status than he, begrudgingly so does he take orders, rarely without quips of his own. On top of this, his sense of humour has not progressed, in the slightest past that of an adolescence, hardly the material for a stoic band of guardians. All these traits culminated tend to make the guy nigh impossible to get along with in any official sort of the manner. Despite all of these innumerable shortcomings, Jules remains particularly attentive, and like many, enjoys those fine lazy Sundays where one can't do much more than relax. [b]Short biography:[/b] Born and raised right here in the relative peace of Pleasant Valley, into the fine and proud Mason family. Aside from the outrageous family hairstyle passed down to all the men of the house, the young man's life could be seen as nothing short of usual, normal, and all encompassingly boring. The delinquent hated it, entirely. From such, an absurd deal of angst was born and harbored, never did Jules ask for that simple life crap, and none of that peace too. Hard core action and kick-ass tunes to play him off was all the kid really ever desired in life, and thus he made it his mission to go far out of the way to find it. Unsurprisingly, he had never been more successful than landing himself in detention throughout the years again and again. Sure, he always respected his family, a real momma's boy if you ask me. Yet it had almost become a passion to pick innumerable fights that he would get kicked in the ass for, just to worry them. This continued even onto entering Pleasant Valley High, the very same cycle of causing trouble and paying for it, quickly notarizing himself as a flunky thug within the community at large, often coming to blows with even the head honchos of the school. It had been through this that his perpetual punishment, as detention simply hadn't been enough to calm the waters for him, had been to work, unpayed of course, in handling all custodial duties about the school grounds, and handling them well lest he be thrown out for good, and then he'd be a real damn has-been. Of course, the pompadoured prick hated it, much to his derision being forced to clean up the messes that other students left particularly special for him. Though, no one could have ever faulted the man for the intense dedication and air of responsibility he began to show for his janitorial duties, even growing to enjoy the time spent over the years cleaning empty halls long after classes were over. Just as well, it had been about the same time that Jules began learning of the true nature of stands, through hushed words and eavesdropping on gatherings he was often left out of due to his confrontational nature. It really had been quite a shock, that the guy's imaginary friend for as long as he could recall was some sorta 'kick-ass spirit thing'. Nevertheless, through matters inconsequential, the young man joined up with the Rats, after all, it was finally time for that excitement he so desired. But it was more than that, to protect the quaint peace for those who enjoyed their quiet lives, cause that's what a real man would do. [b]Namesakes:[/b] "Jules Radino" - Of the American Rock band, Blue Öyster Cult. "Nick Mason" - Drummer of the English rock band, Pink Floyd. [u]Stand[/u] [b]Name:[/b] The Trial - (Pink Floyd) [b]Appearance:[/b] Jules's stand manifests into the shape of a rotund humanoid, slightly taller and a fair bit more broad than he. This mighty spirit's limbs appear rather thick and well-muscled when not obfuscated by a grandiose draping that proceeds over the shoulders until just about the knees, most notably aside from what could be no less than golden filigree is the emblazoned image of scales upon either side. Capping off the imposing physique, both shoulders appear as half-spheres, plateauing off into flat peaks as if battlements of any castle wall. The head just as well shares this trait, almost crowning it with slight royal countenance. Blank, unmerciful eyes dominate the cylindrical head structure where little other features can be seen. Each knuckle, fingertip, and palm are rounded off by small translucent orb shapes, from which the stand's powers are realized. The colour scheme as a whole tends to be rather dull browns and greys, embellished by gleaming gold. [b]Power:[/b] Flaw Enhancement - The Trial wields the mighty ability of intensifying innate flaws within its target, whether it be organic, lifeless material, or mentally abstract. This is accomplished by even the slightest touch of any of the aforementioned orb-like structures, from which a determined flaw of choice is , most often accompanied by some form of shit-eating remark, though this is only embellishment and not a necessity. For instance, take a pillar of stone with a simple aged crack that would not likely affect the integrity in any manner, yet is otherwise perfect. With a glide of the hand, that crack grows deeper, is emboldened and more defined. Another pass and it grows deeper still, far more noticeable and perhaps threatening to the pillar. After several more, that crack may very well engulf through the stone and cleave it in twain. There is a catch to this power however, Jules needs prior knowledge, learning, or at least minute enough information of such a flaw in order to have any effect. Say another stand user has particularly poor eyesight, yet Jules has no clue about such. No amount of face-punching may deteriorate their vision further, well, at least where the power is concerned. [u]Stats[/u] [b]Destructive Power:[/b] B [b]Speed:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] C [b]Durability:[/b] A [b]Precision:[/b] C [/hider] [/center] Well here it is! I sure do hope that everything is in order, though I've probably screwed up somewhere. I'm just gonna blame it on sleep deprivation as always, just go ahead and make your concerns known, I'll be glad to ammend. I personally vote that we are all pompadoured punks. While I don't have much in the way of concrete criticism for that stand ability there Pi, I must say that it sounds quite fun. I'd love it for our little gathering to be comprised of wacky powers that would otherwise be seen as lackluster, if not for our resourcefulness of course.