Oliver raised an eyebrow as Sanguine invited him to her room. Apparently he could have gotten away with such a thing, though he decided it was probably better than she had invited him. "I wouldn't mind..." he agreed, a grin slowly splitting his face as he accompanied the vampire to her room. He'd been in it before, but not like this. Once inside, he quickly closed and locked the door behind them. He didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, but he also didn't want anyone barging in on them. On top of that, he'd been seen making out with the Guild Master in front of just about everyone. He was pretty sure they were going to think what they wanted, regardless of his actions, at this point. "Yeah, I don't think I would, either." the Paladin agreed with a chuckle. They would have to share his room if she'd done that, there was no way he was sleeping in a coffin. Then his companion ran off to get changed for bed, and he realized he didn't have any pyjamas of his own. "So, like, can I just wear underwear to bed, or should I go get changed?" he asked, shrugging out of his shirt as he wondered. He wasn't sure if Sanguine had heard him though, as he got no response until she returned in a very fetching nightgown. Waiting patiently, the warrior was flexing as he wandered around the room when his hostess returned. He stopped dead when he saw her, and had to fight the urge to lick his lips. Remembering what she said, he wondered if that was meant for the benefit of anyone that might have been listening, considering how dressed up she'd just gotten for going to sleep. "So, am I supposed to get all fancied up for bed, too? I don't have any really nice p-js..." he offered, slowly meandering toward the vampire, "Do you mind if I just sleep in my underwear?" he figured it was worth a shot to ask. Regardless of her response, if she let him get close enough the warrior planned on ambushing the Guild Master with another of his kisses that seemed to weaken her knees so well...