[CENTER] [b][color=Silver][H1]Brenin[/H1][/color][/b] [IMG]http://cs307601.vk.me/v307601834/6d98/hemfsjZxo8A.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [color=Silver][B]| NAME(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Kalvin Mahnsson​[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT] Kal [i]Dude McMan[/i]​[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Brenin[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| D.O.B.: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]07/07/93[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| AGE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]23[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| SEX: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Absolutely.​[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Bi-Sexual[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [center][color=Silver][b][i]I ain't a grunge, pimp or gangster.[/i][/b][/color][/center] Got Style, grace and courage, his jaw's strong enough to cut through diamonds. Standing at 5'10, weighing 156 lbs. His build is athletic, he's handsome and his entire being beams out the bad boy attitude he conveys. His hair is meticulously styled - in such a way that it looks like he just got out of bed. The majority of Kal's morning routine is making himself look like he don't give a shit, and he tries very hard. Ripped jeans, washed out T-Shirts and a leather jacket with stitches in it and several tears. He wears a watch with leather straps on his lest wrist as well as a couple of rings on both of his fingers. A motorcycle is never far away from the young man. ​[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| ABILITIES |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [center][color=Silver][b]Am I the best? I gotta put it bluntly. Yes.[/b][/color][/center] [b]Reactive Vector Manipulation:[/b] Physics, you have heard of that, right? Laws of nature, gravity, heat, etc. We've all been taught how they are supposed to work all through our lives, science has tried to explain why whatever goes up must come back down and with what force. Well, to Kalvin they're not laws. They're suggestions more like it. His body generates superhuman amounts of adrenaline that shoots into his veins whenever he is in danger. This allows him to control the vectors of atoms. This means performing a wide variety of feats impossible or even inconceivable to regular humans, things such as dodging sub-sonic bullets, surviving a 25 meter fall without breaking a bone or 'double' jumping. If you would ask Kalvin how to explain his powers, he'd tell you he's the real life counter part to Jason Statham and Vin Diesel - except he's better looking. [/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| WEAKNESSES |[/B][/color] [center][color=Silver][b]If there are limits, I haven't found them yet.[/b][/color][/center] [INDENT][b]Fatigue, Injury And Pride:[/b] While he can Matrix dodge a hail of bullets coming his way, it doesn't mean he's always able to. Like regular shots of adrenaline they have a blow back, and for Kalvin that blowback is enormous, after a night of using his powers he's sore in places he didn't even know he could be sore in. His powers are bound to concentration and as such outside distractions can lead to him getting hurt, or worse. As such, high amounts of pain - such as getting shot puts him at a serious disadvantage. His emotions also get in the way. [/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| SKILLS |[/B][/color] [center] [color=Silver][b]I got what it takes.[/b][/color][/center] [INDENT]Precision Driving; Notably on Motorcycles, sports bikes, to be precise. He can also wheel most cars, but he enjoys four wheels a lot less than two. Street Smarts; He practically breathes Larissa, he knows ever street and every corner of the city. Kal is also one of those people who seems to always "Know a guy." Acrobatic: By no means a gymnast, he's quite agile and nimble, able to easily scale brick walls and jump between rooftops.[/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [center][color=Silver][b][i]If it ain't broken - break it.[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hider=Childhood] Kalvin's mother, Tess Mahnsson was a young woman, a rising star - the next icon in glamour. Her life was going all the place she had ever wanted it to, till she met a man. A man who swept her off her feet, who made her believe in love, the kind of love that was in the movies. They lived together for four months, she discovered she was pregnant and the morning after she had told her lover - he was gone. She got depressed, and her entire career had been sidetracked during the half year she had spent with the father of her unborn child. She left the world as a model behind and started waiting tables at the local bar - she was young and pretty and as such earned quite a lot of tips, enough to live happily. At least until the end of her pregnancy, complications arose and her hospital stay lasted several weeks, to cover the bills for her and her newborn son, she had to spend all of her savings. She raised Kalvin alone, she worked hard, harder than anyone else in her community to keep food on the table, some days she couldn't even do that. Yet, she never complained, not once did she complain about going hungry, the blood sugar falls she had because of not eating or sleeping properly. Everyday she'd come home after 11 hours of work - pay the babysitter and play with little Kalvin. She would read to him every night, about heroes. About the heroes of fairy tales, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins. Yet, Kalvin's favorite story was that of the local fairy tale. That of the Mavericks. Tessa had lived in Larissa during their time of greatness, their time had just ended when Kalvin was born and they had vanished just a year prior to his birth. She had seen them in all of their glory. They were truly, the greatest heroes ever. Over the years, Tessa would struggle to support herself and Kalvin, and when Kalvin was two, she started dating a man, ten years older than herself. His name was Arthur - like the king in the fairy tales - she would tell him whenever she would talk to Kalvin about him. She kept reading him stories about the great heroes, that people are good and heroes are needed to inspire people to be their best. That the Mavericks made all of Larissa a better place. That Heroes can save the world all over again. She and Arthur got married when Kalvin was four - Tessa didn't love the man, her heart only loved one man, after all these years. Soon, Arthur caught on that Tessa didn't love him, and he turned out to not be a hero after all, quite the opposite. He turned abusive, verbally abusing Tessa and Kal, soon physically hurting Tessa when she protected Kal from his step father. The boy hated living in Arthurs house, and he asked his mom about his real dad ever so often, and everytime - especially after Arthur had beaten her she would kiss her son's head and smile. Tell him his father was a hero, just like the ones he read about. When he was little, it used to make him happy. But as the years passed and he got older, and his mother faded more and more, the abuse she took slowly breaking her down. The more resentful he became of his so called hero of a father. If he was truly a hero, wouldn't he come and save them from the monster Arthur was? Wouldn't he come riding in on a stallion clad in shining armor and slay the beast that tormented them? That hurt the woman he was supposed to love? Isn't protecting the ones you love what makes a hero? Kalvin decided to be his own hero. One night, Tessa and Arthur was arguing - Arthur had been cheating on her. He hit her, and Kalvin rushed downstairs into the kitchen, yelling at him to stop, hitting his step father with his tine hands. Arthur turned and for the first time he struck the boy, backhanded him into the fridge, splitting his left cheek and giving him a bad cut in the back of his head. Tessa rushed to protect the boy, and while his concussion made him fade in and out of consciousness, he saw how Arthur beat Tessa senseless. Breaking her jaw, arm and four of her ribs. That was the night he stopped believing in heroes.[/hider] [hider=Teens] Once he got into his teenage years, Kalvin had gotten accustomed to life at home, and to keep out of the way of the Wrath of his step-father, he kept out of the way, he didn't talk much during dinner, he acted like a good son whenever eyes were upon him - for if he caused trouble, Arthur assured him that he'd hurt him. For a time, Kalvin did good, he had good enough grades, he studied hard and he tried his best to connect with his peers in school. Once he started high school things changed. He soon realized that something was [i]broken[/i] inside of him. That he wasn't like everyone else, that in a way, he couldn't connect with most other students. From where he stood, looking in, they didn't have any problems. Some of them had parents who were gonna get divorced, maybe they were bullied or didn't make the sports team they wanted to get into. But to him, none of them had it as bad as he did. He was living under the thumb of a man who everyone thought was a good man, he lived a lie where everyone thought their family was happy, and whenever he tried to reach out for help, either for himself or for his mother, nobody listened. Because nobody cared. One day, Kalvin had enough of lying, of sitting there at dinners with Arthur's friends. Of attending Barbecues where Arthur presented them as "His little family" when truly, they were more like slaves. That's when Kalvin met Jacob Jordan, a kid as old as Kalvin. J.J was smart, really smart, he was a top grade student whom had never seen a party in his life, at the New Alexandria High School naught but a handful had ever heard the name "Jacob Jordan" Where as Kalvin was a decently popular kid, only because he was good looking and wasn't afraid of breaking store windows to steal booze. Kalvin and Jacob met during class, Jacob bumped into Kalvin on a particularly bad day, after Arthur had given him a beating before school, Jacob's elbow pushing against Kalvin's bruised ribs, forcing the teen to grunt in pain, as if Jacob had hit him. A misunderstanding spun out of control, and that's how the two ended up rolling around on the hall floor tugging at each other's collars, fists in each others faces. Spending the afternoon in the principles office and the next three weeks in detention, the two became close friends, partly because Jacob lived on his own and he let Kalvin crash there instead of going home. Jacob's parents were in jail for holding up a liqour store, they were heroine junkies, had been sent to jail last year, following the young Jordan turning 17, too old to be put under foster care and shown that he could take care of himself, Jacob was recognized as an adult that same year. The two became thick as thieves and Jacob would soon let Kal in on his secret - he was a criminal. Not the rough kind, just the very profitable kind. He had started out selling weed, but soon took to building and importing guns, a trade that was blossoming in Lilith. Kalvin would do a few runs for Jacob once in a while, sell a few ounces of weed, sell a couple of butterflies, that sort of thing. [/hider] [hider=These Days] Since graduating High School, Kalvin starting taking acting classes dreams of using his pretty face to make money he did a few ads, amongst those was an ad for Shaving Cream that was on the TV for a couple of months in 2014. Kalvin crashes on Jacob's couch "Till he gets back onto his feet" - for the past four years, when he isn't sleeping in the bed of some woman who's skirt he chased the night before. He enjoys riding his motorcycle and drinking cheap beer at divebars, always looking for trouble. Weather it's pissing off two thugs or it's making out with a cute red head.[/hider] [/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [center][color=Silver][b][i]Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.[/i][/b][/color][/center] Kalvin is by definition an adrenaline junkie, always looking for the next thrill, the next high. The next adventure. [/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| SUPPORTING CAST: |[/B][/color] [INDENT] Tessa Mahnsson: Mother - Loving, self-sacrificing, wonderful mother. Arthur Mahnsson: Step-Father; Piece of shit. Jacob Jordan; Best Friend, small time arms dealer, helps Kal get in and out of trouble. [/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| REFERENCE POST(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| NOTES: |[/B][/color] [INDENT][/INDENT]