[@Cuccoruler] Hows this [hider=Character] Name: Naphaline: Nelly / Saryn Magical Child Name: Nelly = The Giver / Saryn = The Taker Age: 17 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] : [img]http://i.imgur.com/c4Qt9PQ.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Appearance after transformation] :[img]http://i.imgur.com/CyYPIX0.png[/img] [/hider] Personality: Nelly suffers from dissociative identity disorder (DID) where she seems to bounce between one personality which is believed to be the original Nelly and one other identity that shows itself after certain criteria are met named Syrn. Nelly can be best described as the warmth people want to feel when they're down, in the form of a hug or just general acts of kindness, if someone needs something and Nelly has it she’s more than willing to share even if she doesn’t have it she’ll attempt to go out and get it. Always a cheerful optimist working through depression, loneliness and all of life's problems in a ‘glass half full’ kind of fashion in a way that almost feels outright obnoxious. Saryn is a different story from the regular Nelly but unless a person has spent a good amount of time with both one wouldn’t notice the change. Sayrn mimics Nelly’s personality almost flawlessly the only real change is the thing that motivates her, while the real Nelly will help out of kindness Sayrn on the other hand seeks reward. While on the outside Saryn copies Nelly on the inside she is cold, sadistic, and very loathing of those around her; Sayrn is most likely to back stab Nelly’s best friend for literally anything she deems a worthy reward, but she’d do it in such a way that Nelly’s reputation isn’t ruined; this isn’t out of a liking for her other half its simply if people don’t trust their face it’ll be harder to take advantage of them later. Nelly and Saryn will swap places with one another at random intervals, usually if one or the other falls asleep, Saryn is most likely to step in if Nelly isn’t emotionally capable of handling the situation if the glass is completely empty for whatever reason. Sayrn will sometimes release her dominance over the body out of convenience. *Side note: Nelly and Sayrn are completely aware of one another's existences* Gimmick/Theme behind Powers: Sun Tarot card (Both right side up and upside down) Psychological weakness: Dissociative Identity Disorder [hider=Powers:] Card: XVII – The Sun (Right-side up is Nelly, Upside-down is Saryn) the constant flipping and rotation of the card changes depending on the personality that is dominant at the time and because of this her skill take on different yet similar effects. Being both the savior and the taker they can be a truly helpful asset when used properly. Aura of Preservation / Vampire Link: When Nelly is in control she passively has a warm presence that protects and rejuvenates her friends and allies, healing minor wounds, restoring stamina and giving an overall sense of comfort. The shield will absorb a good amount of incoming damage and transfer that energy to become a slightly stronger shield, however if those shields were to break all damage received is reflected upon Nelly while her allies remain untouched. Sayrn isn’t as giving and it is reflected in this ability that allows her to sap energy, and overall health from anyone she comes into contact with, if she touches someone she choose to connect their very life essence to her draining the target until she cuts the line or the victim dies, this stolen energy gives Sayrn a much stronger shield and healing affect while transferring all received damage to whomever she is linked with dividing it up equally ensuring that she goes unharmed. The amount of energy she steals is completely up to her. The immediate immune system of the poor unfortunate soul to be linked starts to shut down allowing Saryn to enjoy the warmth of another while their shivering in the cold and sickness. Illumination / Blight: Nelly’s illumination shines brilliantly through even the deepest darkness, lighting the way and even canceling out most minor illusions granting ‘true sight’ to allies around her, the initial wave can even exorcise lesser demons. The true sight only lasts for five minutes while the light can last as long as Nelly needs it. Sayrn possesses the blight a sickly flame the devours anything, it touches friend or foe consuming both the body and soul, she can channel this flame through her vampire line to cause the target more pain to heal her even faster or mealy incinerate the enemy [/hider] History: It’s completely unclear who exactly was the original personality, because Nelly’s name is similar to the name given to the body born it’s usually just easier to assume Nelly came first. The name Naphaline wasn’t given to her by her birthmother as she abandoned the baby in a basket somewhere in the middle of the street, a rather unlucky beginning for a child who was unwillingly brought into this world. Fortune would smile on the infant when she was picked up by a young woman who adopted the child, gave her a house and food even a name albeit a very unorthodox name. Growing up was decent enough her mom wasn’t the richest person in the world, but she was a hard worker and very loving, Naphaline who didn’t know this woman wasn’t actually her mom looked up to her like a child would its parent and learned from her. Her mom always strived to be more than she was the day before, getting up early every morning and attempted to better herself and become a good role model for her adoptive daughter this kind and caring approach to child raising laid the foundation for the personality known now as Nelly, but her mostly self-motivated reward driven approach to life also helped bring Sayrn into the world however both were still apart of one whole. The split between Nelly and Sayrn didn’t actually happen until their mom took deathly ill and Nellphaline was taken away as she wasn’t seen fit to take care of a child anymore. Now that she was away from her parent and living in an orphanage was very lonely, her kind personality was often times taken advantage of by the other kids so she would feel used or abandoned when lying in bed at night hoping her mother would get better; it was on such a night that Nellphaline’s psyche split in two giving birth to Nelly and Sayrn on one way she would never be lonely again and Sayrn could take care of the harder things while Nelly continued to strive for a brighter future in peace while maintaining her innocence. The dividing force between the two was strong enough to trigger the Tarot card “The Sun” allowing the two personalities some form of synchronous harmony. [/hider]