[@Weird Tales]From what I know of the subject, the original Guildfall was brought on by a mass spam attack which had invaded the hosting site the original RPGuild forum was based from. Thus Mahz created his own site with a unique code in hopes that it would stave off the spambots as they would have to crack the code from scratch. The first Guildfall is the most well known and the one that cause the server shift. There was a second one that happened when the new site (this one) was first released, but was shut down eventually through means/reason I do not know. This newest spambot invasion has been dubbed the "third Guidfall" (or as I like to call it "Third Impact" or "Ides of April" since it just sounds cooler :lol) and there's been a whole lot of rushing around in an attempt to end it and its presumably bigger in terms of response than the previous ones with the user made group "Bot Killer Squad" attempting to help the staff. Of course there's also me running around with my Church/Cult of Mahz sort of thing for shits and giggles. To be quite honest, there's less actual panic as there is "RP'd" panic if you will amongst most people; personally I'm having a good bit of fun due to this and preaching around the Lord Admin and his Mod Saints ^^ :lol As a side note, I believe that the person behind it is changing the spambots coding as there has already been one hotfix that was overcome and rumors persist of "undead spambots" that have been banned but have unbanned themselves and continued posting. It might also explain the "waves" they come in as there are times where they come in slowly, other times hundreds per minute and sometimes hours before the spamming picks up again.