[hider=Knight Hirani Doneeta & Padawan Taiko Tachibana] [center] [h1][b][color=pink]Hirani Doneeta[/color][/b][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/f2/ca/64f2cad0843a1d3f2a17d2924c1ef79d.jpg[/img][h2][b][color=pink]Twi'Lek Jedi Knight 34/F[/color][/b][/h2] [h3][color=pink][u]Lightsaber Forms[/u][/color][/h3] Form II: Makashi Form IV: Ataru Form VI: Niman [h3][color=pink][u]Equipment[/u][/color][/h3] Green Single 'Blade' Lightsaber [h3][color=pink][u]Personality[/u][/color][/h3] Hirani is a rational individual who rarely acts on impulse. As a natural diplomat she gives careful thought to her interactions with others. She can be quite jovial in most situations which puts most at ease, it also helps that she is a rare beauty even among her own kind. She takes matters of politics very seriously even if she doesn't seem to on the surface. All in all Hirani is a formidable opponent both in and out of the conference room. [h3][color=pink][u]Biography[/u][/color][/h3] As a Lethan Twi'Lek Hirani is among the most rare and desirable of her race, particularly popular in the slave trade as dancers and entertainers. She was lucky enough to be born on Curoscant to a wealthy family and was kept from the misfortune that typically befalls people like her. She was discovered early on to be force sensitive by a family friend, Master Nofax Ghiffen, who took her under his wing to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. Whilst under the tutelage of Master Ghiffen she became proficient in his chosen style of the sixth form known as Niman and, like her Master, learned to use it to great effect. Her prowess with a lightsaber was overshadowed however by her talent for diplomacy which, in combination with Master Ghiffen's renown, afforded her a lot of influence in the Jedi Order as well as the Republic. By the time she was granted Knighthood she had already made numerous connections with a few members of the Republic Government as well as their military. Master Ghiffen passed away a few years ago and Hirani thought it time to take on her own Padawan, a young Rodian by the name of Bleeveec Rissonx. An eager soul with much to learn in the ways of the Force. [/center] [center] [h1][b][color=lightblue]Taiko Tachibana[/color][/b][/h1][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/102082680/large.jpg[/img][h2][b][color=lightblue]Human Jedi Padawan 18/F[/color][/b][/h2] Form I: Shii Cho Form VI: Niman [h3][color=lightblue][u]Equipment[/u][/color][/h3] Blue Single 'Bladed' Lightsaber [h3][color=lightblue][u]Personality[/u][/color][/h3] Young and eager to do her duty. Taiko, much like most young Jedi, is unrefined and speaks her mind when she feels her voice should be heard. She can be unpredictable and swayed by her emotions at times but has the utmost respect for her Master. For all her impulsiveness she has never disobeyed her Master and genuinely trusts in her master's wisdom. [h3][color=lightblue][u]Biography[/u][/color][/h3] Born on Curoscant to a single mother with no job Taiko spent most of her childhood running petty errands for little to no money. One day her mother dissappeared, leaving little Taiko, who was six at the time, to fend for herself. She wandered around aimlessly until she came upon a Jedi by the name of Hirani Doneeta who recognized her force sensitivity and brought her to the Jedi Temple to begin her training. Until recently she had been studying at the Temple, where she showed a natural affinity for lightsaber combat. Now a Padawan to a Sophophilic Zabrak Jedi Knight by the name of Stadak, only time will tell what her future holds. [h3][color=lightblue][u]Other[/u][/color][/h3] 750 Credits 10,000 Credit Gift Card (Droid) [/center] [/hider]