[@smarty0114] Wombo-Combo with Carlsberg [hider=Alyssa Arryn][center][hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjRmYTNjZi5RV3g1YzNOaElFRnljbmx1LjAAAAAAAAAA/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/47/7f/a0477f34322d97705b573944705e4f8a.jpg[/img] [color=skyblue][i]"My father was weak, his father was weaker and his grandfather was the weakest. I am not weak. I will break the moon in two and let its blood seep down into Alyssa's Tears. If the knights of the Vale will not follow me then I shall find new knights. Then we will go fishing."[/i][/color] [color=dodgerblue][i]"Hmm... Another little falcon, you say? I hear she soars higher than any of her forefathers. There's Andal Blood in her veins; pure and furious, you see. But the little falcon better watch where she flies - her enemies do not walk upon the ground. No, her enemy hangs in the night sky, pale as snow with a beauty that can kill. T'is a dangerous time for little falcons, it seems."[/i][/color][/center] [center][hr][hr] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6495d231a9715d4f0c778d517a452063/tumblr_n6fzarixvm1t4o9q6o1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjRmYTNjZi5RbUZ6YVdNZ1NXNW1iM0p0WVhScGIyNCwuMAAAAAAAAAAA/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=skyblue]Name[/color] [indent]Alyssa Arryn[/indent] [color=skyblue]Nickname[/color] [indent]The Little Falcon (by those who like her) and The Arryn's Whore (by those who don't)[/indent] [color=skyblue]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=skyblue]A G E[/color] [indent]16[/indent] [color=skyblue]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Alyssa can barely even keep a casual conversation up for a few minutes, nevermind trying to chat someone up. Probably bisexual if she ever did bother herself.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/908dba19bf4f64642da8052199f19f32/tumblr_mwyi80kSNL1scurlpo4_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjRmYTNjZi5TRzl0WlEsLC4wAAAAAAAAAAA,/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=skyblue]Father[/color] [indent][u]Lord Roland III Arryn:[/u] It was said that in his youth, although he lacked physical strength, he was a wise man and very nearly repaired the Arryn's broken name. However, after falling into ill health, his mind weakened and he spent most of his days locked away in his chambers. He was ashamed that he failed in his mission to earn loyalty for his family again but used that shame to empower his only child, Alyssa. In her, he didn't encourage traditional virtues befitting of a lady - he knew she was the last hope they had and she had to be a strong leader or they would be wiped out. He taught her strategy, combat and politics. Alyssa loves him to no end but she knows he won't last much longer.[/indent] [color=skyblue]Mother[/color] [indent][u]Lady Jeyne Hunter:[/u] Alyssa never really knew much about her mother. She has a few small slivers of memories of the woman in which she remembers bright auburn hair and a gentle voice but that's about the height of it. Her father refuses to speak of her (Alyssa suspects a broken heart). From the small information she's gathered, she understood that her mother had great difficulty birthing her and when she was to bring another child into the world, she passed from blood loss, along with the child. Most held her in high regard, calling her beautiful and wise beyond her years.[/indent] [color=skyblue]Siblings[/color] [indent]Alyssa is an only child after her father refused to remarry.[/indent] [color=skyblue]Religion[/color] [indent]Faith of the Seven but she doesn't practise much.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/18b5735a9a78d0870e864dcde5992b24/tumblr_inline_nzfi6a62Ln1thmuzp_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjRmYTNjZi5VMnRwYkd4ei4wAAAAAAAAAAAA/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=skyblue]Strengths[/color] [indent]It's no surprise that Alyssa was once viewed as half goat - learning to climb in the Eyrie of all places is no simple task and it requires a certain disregard for death. Through it all, she's become a better climber than most can ever claim to be. Plus it's done a considerable amount for her physique with a decent balance between upper and lower body strength. There's very little places she can't climb and most times, she'll seek these places out just to escape everyone else. In terms of combat, she's bested nearly all of the Vale's knights that have come up against her (although they may have gone easy on her). She's become proficient in the use of daggers, short swords and sabers. Not only that but after reading of the Volantis Guards, the Tiger Cloaks, and their clawed gauntlets, she had her own pair forged which she seems awfully fond of. Her father wasn't much of a fighter but he always had a charm for strategy and Alyssa is somewhat similar. Hers is a little less calculating, of course, but he's refined her into a hard leader that would do well on a battlefield and off it. Give her an army and she would do some serious damage.[/indent] [color=skyblue]Weaknesses[/color] [indent]Traditional, lady-like pastimes go way over her head, even when she does put her mind to it. She could disarm a knight in a few strokes but needles are just pesky little bastards that only serve to prick her. For that reason, it's blatantly obvious that she's a tad awkward around proper little ladies. Their beauty and eloquence unsettle her and the secrets hidden behind their girlish smiles make her blood boil. Although, to be fair, Alyssa isn't that good with people in general. She can lead them but put her on equal standings and it's something equivalent to nose-diving into the ground for the Little Falcon. Plus, given her rather negative disposition towards most others, she doesn't earn herself a lot of friends but somehow garners a considerable amount of enemies. Alyssa doesn't care about death. She came to accept it many years before as it loomed over her childhood so it means that she recklessly stumbles from near-death situation to near-death situation without learning a single lesson in the process. Whether it be climbing in the middle of a blizzard and being bed-ridden for a month with sickness or publicly declaring that Lord Cyril Tully had the brainpower of a common trout, she isn't exactly limited by common sense. Alyssa is an honest person - she speaks her mind but some things she stays eerily quiet about. Namely, the rumours of the nightmares. They were always different but one thing was kept a constant - the Lord of the Moon. That mystic figure was always prevalent, haunting her and reducing her to a sobbing mess when she finally woke. [/indent] [color=skyblue]Weapon[/color] [indent]Her primary weapon is a falchion and either a buckler shield or a full combat shield. She has some moderate experience in a bow but she doesn't like using them. Also has her clawed gauntlets which are back-up if someone gets close enough and she has managed to lose her weapons.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/b9e562222aa5a1fd3eab2d98906c5f54/tumblr_inline_nbts15ajYi1s7gm7x.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjRmYTNjZi5UV0Z1Ym1WeWFYTnRjdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=skyblue]Likes[/color] [indent][list][*]Climbing [*]Fighting [*]Arguing [*]The safety of the Eyrie [*]Her Father [/list][/indent] [color=skyblue]Dislikes[/color] [indent][list][*]Tullies [*]Cowards [*]Little ladies [*]Dancing [*]King's Landing [/list][/indent] [color=skyblue]Habits[/color] [indent][list][*]Has a tendency to sleep as little as possible which often leaves her with dark shadows around the edges of her eyes [*]Frowning at everything that even mildly annoys her. Often makes her look passive-aggressive (which she kinda is). [*]Likes playing with her fingers a lot and fidgeting. The girl can't seem to sit still for one moment without doing something, at the least. [/list][/indent] [color=skyblue]Hobbies[/color] [indent][list][*]Climbing [*]Fighting or at least practising [*]Digging her grave even deeper [/list][/indent] [color=skyblue]Fears[/color] [indent][list][*]A slow, painful death without any honour. [*]Being the last of her people and witnessing the end of the Arryn line. [*]Snakes - they're vicious little bastards that like to kill stuff just for the fun of killing. [/list][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/e67381be-d14e-41e2-8fe2-8f58b5998797/1ecc290c-48d5-4164-9c06-542b51fb2bc7.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjRmYTNjZi5SR2xuWjJsdVp5QkVaV1Z3WlhJLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=skyblue]Personality[/color] [indent]In the old ages, the Arryns were always recognised as able-bodied and noble but in recent times, both traits have seemed to be eradicated. Jon Arryn marked the last of the strong Arryns and the sons that followed him only seemed to be weak and afraid. Alyssa marks a turning point in the long history of the pureblood family. Unlike those who came before her, she's physically capable of fighting men who would have cut her father to pieces and it's no secret that she's kicked many a nobleman from his high horse in combat. To her, strength means everything in this trying time but she refuses to forget her honour. She wishes to be the greatest of Arryns and be remembered as the one who united the Vale under the Falcon's banner once again. Outside of her duties, Alyssa can be passionate to the point where it borders on unhealthy. If she believes in something, she'll follow it to the end and she's outwardly not a big fan of the web of lies that are spun in the capitol. To her, honesty is a virtue, even if it is a brutal one at that. Mostly, she can be viewed as inappropriate with little care to whether she's offending the butcher's boy or the King of the Seven Kingdoms. She views most other noble families as cowards and she's been warned on more than one occasion that deeming the Targaryens no better than, "snakes with wings", can lose her a head or two. Hotheaded and stormy, she'd be better suited as a Baratheon but her treacherous tongue has earned her both supporters and loathers.[/indent] [color=skyblue]History[/color] [indent]Even since a young age, Alyssa was always different. She rarely, if ever, played with the other children around her age, preferring to sneak away to the abandoned parts of the Eyrie. Some put it down to shyness while others reckoned it was just the initial symptoms of the Arryn's curse. The smartest, however, believed that she was just angry at everything around her. Even from a young age it was obvious that she wasn't very safe. The Knights of the Moon were garnering substantial power during this time and she had heard the whisperings of the servants. Her only option was to submit to the Lord of the Moon and pledge her hand in marriage or to wait in the Eyrie until his forces convinced her guards that guarding wasn't a good idea; she'd be found with her throat slit then. Alyssa blatantly refused both options. She sought knowledge from her father - knowledge of war and leadership. She had no intent of dying or submitting. Alyssa only grew angrier as her knowledge grew. She yearned to see the outside world but knew that the threats around her limited her greatly. Anger led to hatred and soon she began concocting her own plans on how to rid herself of a pesky rebellion. All she had to do after that was wait. Wait and watch.[/indent] [color=skyblue]Theme Song[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZweDwbJ_Ic]Howl – Florence and The Machine[/url] [sub]My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to Howl, howl Howl, howl Now there's no holding back, I'm making to attack My blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallow'ed ground [/sub][/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/3b780044b211045bebedf061445b19b4/tumblr_nimjouk8fO1qhiah7o2_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [color=skyblue]Extra Stuff[/color] [indent]- Really hates the Tullys. She fully believes they are behind the Knights of the Moon rising to power so quickly. Actually, she doesn't really like most of the other great families... - Regularly covers herself in a cloak in an attempt to conceal her gender so she may fight other opponents. - Believes the Targaryens aren't suited for the monarchy but she doesn't publicly display this - they have dragons, after all.[/indent][/hider]