[quote=@Nytefall] wondering how my character Hydro can get into this current arc and get involved with some of the other heroes? [/quote] Well, as VAT stated, talk to Ded about it as the arc is where most the heroes are at. There's also the Natural Selection one, a more street level arc, that has individuals not involved with the Pax arc and easier to get into then the Pax. As properly stated, I can use more heroes involved in that since they are a bit outnumbered, like 2 vs 4+, and could draw connections to those involved [quote=@VATROU] You'll probably need to talk to Ded personally. However you could always try to contain new Metas who haven't learned to control their powers. Oh and Fallen might need more Heroes for her Mini Arc. So talk to her as well. [/quote] *points to above* [quote=@fdeviant] [@Fallenreaper] True, and I will send Athinar a pm shortly to get that conversation rolling. If White Witch isn't able to get involved by the time she's needed in Natural Selection then I think it'd be alright for me to involve one of her supporting characters, Joseph Mathers, whose moral compass swings a little more left than Marie's but his familiar will probably badger him about doing the thing that Marie would do since they kind of a thing (not yet mentioned in the posts but sort of an off-screen, underlying thing.) That way you've still got a magical "hero" involved. [/quote] I see no or have any issues with that really. Namely as that is the fun part about NPCS, you can put they were you need them and where your PCs can’t be. ^-^