[@smarty0114] From Myriah's sheet: "Brother - Prince Aenar Targaryen, 13. Crown prince of the seven kingdoms, heir to the iron throne. He loves animals more then people. He is cool-headed, witty, blunt, and a tad sarcastic. Brother - Prince Valerion Targaryen, 9. He is second in line for the Iron Throne. He wants to be the greatest knight in the world. He is very serious, hardworking, and stubborn. Older twin to the late Prince Daemon. Brother - Prince Daemon Targaryen, deceased. He died eight years ago. He was twelve months old, and was very sickly. Pneumonia killed him. Younger twin of Valerion Targaryen. Sister - Princess Shaena Targayen, 7. She is mischievous and very haughty. She is her mothers favorite child, and thus mollycoddled and very spoiled. Sister - Princess Alysanne Targaryen, deceased. She died two years ago. She was almost four years old, when she died from Tuberculosis. Half Sister - Illysia Blackfyre is her older half-sister. She is the King's bastard daughter." From Daerys' sheet: "Daerys has five children. A bastard daughter who was born before he was crowned, Illysia Blackfyre. And then his four children with Nymeria. There's Myriah, Aenar, Viserys, and Shaena, each of whom he loves deeply." So we have inconsistencies on the dead kids and on what Viserys/Valerion's name is.