[h1][center][color=RoyalBlue][i]Ryan Alon[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [h2][center][color=RoyalBlue]???[/color][/center][/h2] Ryan awoke to the sound of operatic singing and a piano, he opened his eyes and saw blue. Nothing but blue everywhere, the floor was blue, the ceiling was blue, it reminded him of a song he had heard a while ago. But that wasn't even the strangest thing, that title went to the man sitting before him. He was even smaller than Ryan, with all the extra height seemingly going to his nose. Beside him was a very gorgeous woman with blonde hair, somewhat out of place in this strange place. Finally he noted his clothes, high quality and surprisingly, not blue. The man introduced himself as Igor, he was the owner of this place, "The Velvet Room" it was called. Meanwhile the woman's name was Henrietta, a fancy name for a fancy lady. It was just then that Ryan noticed the other occupant of the room. A blurry silhouette he couldn't make out, all he could tell was that they were wearing a surcoat and cravat. Very nice. Ryan blushed when his card was revealed to be The Lovers, but as it was explained he nodded. Made sense. The other person got The Star, which sounded much cooler to be honest. Henrietta walked towards him and the blurry person, giving them both keys before Ryan blacked out. [H2][center][color=RoyalBlue]Warakuma Hospital[/color][/center][/h2] Ryan woke up once more to the sound of repeated dinging and fingernails tapping rapidly on a nearby table. [Color=RoyalBlue]"Who's phone is on?"[/color] He asked as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes. Suddenly he was enveloped in a crushing hug as he finally realized who was next to him. His mom's eyes were red and puffy, normally perfect straight blonde hair disheveled, as if she hadn't combed it in a week. She looked him in the eyes with her own striking blue eyes and sniffed in a bit of snot as she tried to find the words to describe her worry. [Color=Steelblue]"Who did this to you? Are you okay? Did they take anything from you? Do you need anything? On a scale of one to ten how much do you hurt?"[/color] She shot off rapid fire as she grabbed him by the shoulders, letting go after the last question. [Color=RoyalBlue]"One second."[/color] Ryan said groggily as he adjusted to his new surroundings. He was in the hospital, a hospital bed to be more specific. He vaguely wondered if he had dreamt the whole thing, but no. He felt something in the back of his mind, a presence that he had felt earlier in that weird world. Persona. The word came to his mind out of nowhere, yet it felt very right to describe the presence as such. [Color=RoyalBlue]"Ok, no I didn't see them, yes I'm okay, no they didn't take anything, some water would be nice, and I'm just kinda tired. That's it." [/color]Ryan smiled at his mother's concern, it felt good after a month of her just being absent. She nodded once and got up to go get some water, the clicking of her heels against the floor being the last thing she left behind as she went to grab the water. Ryan relaxed a bit, but flinched as a loud ding sounded off. The last thing she left behind was her phone. God that thing was annoying. Ryan tried to reach for it from his bed, but he couldn't quite get his hands on it. He sighed and resigned himself to having the constant dinging as his background noise for a while.