[quote=@Turboshitter] [hider=Corey Bratva][center][u]Stand User[/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OM9wlla.jpg?1[/img] [i][b]"Oi oi oi. What did I tell you govniuks about messing around in my daddy's territory, huhhh? NA KALENI, SUKA! Kakaya zanuda..."[/b][/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Corey Bratva [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] A classic delinquent character with more of an American vibe. Corey is neither tall nor short, and carries herself with an unmistakably confident swagger, the kind that says "I kick so much ass my boots permanently smell like farts". She almost always wears a leather biker jacket over some sort crop top and a pair of faded jeans or daisy dukes, and she styles her hair into wild dreadlocks that are died pink, a color she thinks compliments her golden amber eye color. Corey never wears much in the way of makeup (although her skin is instead decorated with a number of tattoos) and her jewelry (earrings, a necklace, and two bracelets) is all simple gold with little to no special designs or engravings. She rides [url=http://wowoon.com/anh/2016/14-2/his-name-would-be-34-a-crazy-horse-34-hot-rods-motorcycles-pickups-custom-motorcycles-custom-bike-motorcycles-trucks-kickass-motorcycles-cool-cars-motorcycles-b-s-motorcycles.jpg]the motorcycle[/url] her father bought her for her sixteenth birthday to school every day, and never bothers locking it under the assumption that everyone at school knows whose it is and why they shouldn't touch it. She's very proud of her body and thinks she's sexy, but most boys are too intimidated to approach her. [b]Personality:[/b] A rude, brutish, yet oddly charismatic Russian mafia princess, Corey is the type of person who has that sort of inexplicable magnetism to her, inspiring people to join her and even follow her. She likes to feel powerful and in control, and prefers an aggressive, proactive approach to problems, taking command of every situation with a fiery, in-your face personality. She can be mean and even somewhat sadistic, a product of her upbringing, but she acts almost like a den mother sometimes when her friends or the girls in her gang are threatened or in a pinch, forming tight connections with the people she trusts. She's none too happy about what's being done to Stand users in town, and has vowed to "find that son of a bitch and rip his asshole out through his throat". Has an absolutely nasty potty mouth and is prone to yelling out bilingual insults at the drop of a hat, even as a greeting to her friends. Her favorite phrases in Russian are "U tebia ochen malenki hui, skolka...pat centimetra?" and "Mne vsyo ostopeezdelo" [b]Biography:[/b] The daughter of the current Bratva family head, Corey is unlike most mafia princesses in that she not only took an active interest in the family business, but did so from a young age. A shrewd, brutal negotiator and adept disciple of violence, Corey wishes very much to earn the approval of her father, who she adores but who has never let her become too involved in the Bratva family's criminal enterprises. Rather than a bystander or observer, Corey wants to help her father in any way she can and be a part of the Bratva criminal syndicate when she grows up, something she's attempted to prove to him by assembling a little delinquent gang of her own at school (not the Boomtown Rats). Unfortunately this has only resulted in her stepping on her father's toes at times, and while all is forgiven of Corey within the Bratva family, she still is no closer to her dream than before. Granted a Stand as a gift by her father (one of many gifts to be sure but certainly the most acceptable), Corey has always been involved in the local Stand community, and hopes to earn her father's trust and approval by tracking down the Stand killer who's been attacking his associates. [b]Namesakes:[/b] Living Colour's lead guitarist, Bratva family [center][u]Stand[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/x6niBYL.jpg[/IMG] [i][b]"DURARARARARARA!!! Unbju!"[/b][/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Cult of Personality [b]Power:[/b] Mind control. Cult of Personality's power is simple but potentially terrifying. The Stand's body is made up of what looks to be thousands of yards of hair woven into the shape of a human being, and by consuming this hair, a person can be granted Stand power (or at least a tiny fraction of it) in exchange for surrendering complete control of their body and mind to the Stand user. The hair is pink in color, similar to Corey's own hair, and eating it causes an effect similar to Caesar Zeppeli's Hamon Kiss within the body of the victim (or willing participant), granting them superhuman strength and fighting ability while also placing them directly under the control of Corey herself. There are two major weaknesses to this Stand. The first and most obvious is that dividing Cult of Personality's power up amongst multiple people weakens it. A few people will produce no visible strain on the Stand (unless many hairs are consumed), but as more and more are granted Stand power, Cult of Personality's ranks will slowly begin to drop. Secondly, due to the nature of Stands, this power won't work on other Stand users unless granted express permission. It will, however, work on Corey herself if she consumes some of her own hair. [b]Stats:[/b] A/B/C/B/C [b]Misc:[/b] Her Stand's battlecry is an extension of the Russian insult "dura", a femine form of "fool" or "idiot". So when she punches you, she is more or less calling you a stupid bitch and telling you to die ("unbju" or lit. "I'll kill you!")[/hider] [/quote] I'm certainly down for her bein' a member of the Bratva, but I feel like I should say that if that's the case, (i) I'll be playing her father (for later plot reasons) and (ii) She isn't necessarily in regular contact with The Zodiac Killers, either - they're daddy's toys. Is that alright? If so, we're grand. Glad to see you back, though! Maybe we'll arrange Ram Jam to appear as an NPC, that'd be a fun little easter egg. The character portion is approved, but I'm marginally concerned about the stand. Not because I think it'll be OP but because I'm vaguely worried it might be [i]less[/i] powerful than you desire? Most of the story will follow The Rats so you might not find much in the way of opportunities to create the horde you might so desire. But once we've parsed that part out, we can add you to the CS tab. NOTE: I feel as though I should mention I'm a fairly competent Russian speaker, if you ever want me to put things into Cyrillic for you (because anglicised Russian never does look quite right) I'm always happy to translate whatever ends up in my PMs.