[img]http://i.imgur.com/kSMtmS1.png[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Hat [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Pokemon: [/b] Snorunt [b]Backstory:[/b] Hat was born somewhere cold, in the middle of a group of Sneasel. She had been found, still in her egg, abandoned in a ruined building. They, thinking a little kid to look after sounded like loads of fun, wound up hatching her a month or so after being found. The Sneasel were delighted to see the baby Snorunt in her little hat, and immediately decided to name her exactly that, Hat. As months passed, they took her on their various adventures, exploring all sorts of fun places, like cities, caverns, castles, and more. It was always very exciting, and they were always very happy at the end of it. Eventually, when she’d grown to the point of being able to talk and recognize evil monsters, they decided to put her to use, usually as a lookout. She was pretty good at being a lookout! After a few years of this treatment, she started to get her own little personality. She started to grow envious of the pretty treasures that the others would get at the end of their adventures, and often stole little things from the loot before they were distributed. She was usually caught, and subsequently punished by Sney, the one in charge of looking after her most of the time. She didn’t learn not to steal, though. She just learned not to get caught. After an even longer period of time, she started to be asked to be put into more active roles on the team. By now, she knew that they weren’t usually actually exploring abandoned castles and towns to defeat evil monsters and earn all the treasure they got. Rather, they were exploring, raiding, and looting fully populated castles and towns for all the wealth of the Pokemon within. Most of the time, anyway. Somehow, this didn’t really bother her. The Pokemon had stuff that they wanted, so they took it. It felt natural to take things from the weak and inattentive when they weren’t looking. The sneasels agreed. Years more of this sort of life, Hat was a proper adult. She could take care of herself, fend for herself, and provide for others. She was a functional member of Team Windchill, and treated the rest of the team like family. The rest of the team, though, was getting older. They were getting slower, weaker, and slipping up more. The leader, Weave, attributed this to sloppiness, and drilled them for discipline. Everyone, though, knew that it was just age. They had to retire, soon. Eventually, Weave brought an idea to the team. They didn’t really have the money to retire, and there were many, many bounties out for most of the team. They couldn’t just settle down somewhere. Instead, he said, they should pull off one big, last heist, to get all the wealth they could need for the rest of their lives. The place was a Kecleon storehouse, well-hidden and guarded. They would sneak in during the night of a blizzard, steal all the most valuable things they could, and escape before they were even detected. That was the plan, and the plan failed. Somewhere along the line, one of the sneasel was spotted, and the whole guard force was brought to bear. The entire half of the team responsible for going inside was captured, fortunately not including Hat, who was on lookout once more. The half of the team that escaped split, mutually agreeing that sticking together was just a good way to get identified. Hat, for the first time in her life, is now alone. Alone and wandering the cold forests of the north, she eventually came upon a town. There wasn’t anything exceptional about it, other than that it was currently host to a team of explorers. After being inadvertently forced into a conversation with them, she learned of the faraway Valiant Village, where she could likely get enough money from the guild’s own pile of loot to live off of. Lacking money or a better plan, Hat decided to make her way over. It’s been a month of slow travelling since then, but she’s finally arrived at the outskirts of the town. [b]Personality:[/b] Greedy and sneaky enough to try to steal from a Kecleon, but cowardly enough not to. A small, petty criminal of the lowest caliber, always careful to ensure she does not get caught. Dishonorable, rude, and only diligent when it comes to feeding her lust for wealth. Gregarious only when she wants something, quiet at all other times. Avoids conflict. [b]Team:[/b] At one point a part of the late Team Windchill, an icy outlaw team of mostly Sneasels. No longer with them, as the team broke up after the leader(and half the team with him) was arrested. Managed to always escape without being identified by police forces, and thus lacks a bounty or criminal record. [b]Moveset:[/b] Powder Snow Leer Double Team Ice Shard [b]Special Features: [/b] One of her teeth was damaged in a fight, and eventually replaced with gold. It’s very shiny now. [b]Family:[/b] Long-lost mother and father. Nothing is known about them, save for an unintelligible map of some variety found with her egg, which she carries with her under her hat. [b]Guild Affiliation:[/b] None.