Really close to fucking exploding when people cop out at the first hint of OOC disagreement, especially [b]after the conflict had been settled[/b]. Where's the tension? Where's the animosity? Why the fuck are you copping out AFTER everything's settled and calmed down? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US?! Oh, and when people inject themselves too far into their characters and when their characters are getting into a rough spot, they perceive that as a personal attack. IT'S YOUR CHARACTER, NOT YOU. THANKS FOR DROPPING OUT AND PULLING THE RP TO A HALT WHEN THE ENTIRE PLOT IS CONTINGENT ON YOUR CHARACTER'S REACTION. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. Very. FUCKING. [b]MUCH.[/b] Oh, and don't get me started with the smol pupper children that suddenly drop the RP without a [b]fucking word[/b] as to why, even when they're active on other threads. Literally PM'd this girl multiple times at least once a month, and another player had to apologize [b]for[/b] her. Thank you, that's really nice of you. But she dropped the entire thing that was going oh-so well because she felt [i]uncomfortable[/i] that players could depend on her and didn't mind waiting on her ass? WHAT. THE. FFFFFFFFFFF. THERE'S NOTHING TO FEEL GUILTY ABOUT. NOTHING.