[quote=@PKMNB0Y] :I Well, my weekend was eaten by work, so I spent a lot of time TRYING to read the form but no time actually able to GET to a response. SO let me try handling that now. [@Hillbilly12]: Er... I don't like the spyglass... Well, existing. Weapons are fine, I thiiink that abilities should be okay so long as they only affect his solo fights and don't affect any nearby fights going on with other trash mobs. I'm not sure how it'd interact with other people fighting the same enemy, though, so idk. Rest should be fine considering the tone of the RP. Clarification, then we're proooobably good to go? [/quote] I don't mind getting rid of the spyglass it was just something I tossed in. If Mavick were to get assistance when fighting it would definitely help out. The main thing the Sword of Destiny does is effects Mavick's own luck and to an extent the enemy. They make less mistakes overall making it rather difficult to defeat them. With assistance Mavick will more often than not win, but whoever helps him will probably wonder how some random pickpocket was able to fight decently.