[hr][hr][center][h1]Naat Reath[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [i]Finally.[/i] The loud metallic [b]‘clang’[/b] rung out, echoing throughout the tunnels as the metal hit the floor, scaring off what few vermin lived at the bottom of the damp, rust-covered corridors that existed far underneath Coruscant’s Jedi Temple. The hum of the two lightsabers the only sound to be audible as Naat Reath’s eyes looked inquisitively outward from the blast door’s former seal. They had made it; they had made it past the tunnels, and were now upon the next step towards their quest of surviving the madness that had transpired. Naat Reath was not sure where to go from where she was standing but she was glad to have gotten to this point— she had not wanted to lose herself in the tunnels among the misery and the darkness… and she knew she had to help Charuri recover from the darkness that was dwelling in her heart— it was her role as a Jedi Guardian to defend others from the dark side of the force and she knew what had [i]happened[/i] was something Charuri was struggling to move past. A small, relieved smile crossed the blonde-haired human’s lips as she looked back at her companion with a reassured but hushed tone. “We did it.” The heartbeat of the Undercity was one Naat Reath was not well acquainted with, though she had heard the stories and educated herself as well as she could about it; dreading the day she would have to interact with Coruscant’s own little “Nar Shaadaa”. But following the events on [i]Krant[/i] Naat had taken much solitude with the archives— better trying to understand, comprehend, and find knowledge where before she held only ignorance. There were many things she didn’t know about the Undercity but with the knowledge she did have as well as her license of skill as a Jedi Investigator she had confidence that she could survive in the shadows of skullduggery and deceit if it meant getting off of Coruscant before the Emperor’s hit squad could find them. [i]Our assassins in white.[/i] Naat wished she could’ve been more able with the other jedi as the troopers stormed the main rooms of the Jedi Temple but she knew had she been closer in the thick of it then she would’ve doomed others. The force had guided her to Charuri and Jenner; although one had fallen she could not let the other do the same; she would honor the force in its subtle wishes and would not hope for something so infantile as a “warrior’s death”. But she couldn’t help but keep thinking about the scenario in full; how their former friends and comrades turned their blasters on them from what [i]had[/i] to be a whim. There was no way the Jedi [i]deserved[/i] this kind of abhorrent genocide. What had happened with Master Windu? Naat knew he had set off to discuss important council matters not long before the massacare and that he told her that the war was coming to an end— that he believed he knew who had been causing the true turbulent discord in not only the senate but the [i]galaxy[/i]. Naat [i]needed[/i] answers, but they were so far out of reach. She took a light breath, keeping her smile. She needed to worry about getting [i]away[/i] from Coruscant, not [i]trapping[/i] herself on it. “You mentioned earlier that you knew the Undercity well?”