[quote=@Dazsos] Now we come to this; 'oh well Daz is trying to multiprep, he's a douche for that.' Well not really, you still didn't agree or disagree on how my runes & idioms may or may not count as preps whatsoever. You said he can create multiple runes, so berating me for counting 1 as a prep on one turn, and another as a prep the next turn, surely means you've entrapped me in to this idea. "Well he started creating both on the first turn!" Well that's because he has to, his spells take longer to finalize than his opponent's, and he's literally forced in to choosing between those two runes in the end. Obviously on that first turn he'd only be able to properly utilize one rune, one prep. I never said two preps would flourish on one turn, which was the original fit had. And the only line of the rulebook used against me was 'hey, don't use two preps in one turn.' Okay, I didn't, you're welcome. So what's the big deal? Oh, you don't like how I'm not bending over for you? Need someone to blame? Someone to put the entire fault of this mess upon? Alright guys, I'll be your man... shit, I'm totally used to that, actually! Practically half the people I know can't handle being responsible for messes they're partly to blame for. I just happen to be an excellent mop, thank you for choosing me! [/quote] You're a mop, alright. A mop indeed. I cannot honestly explain how many things were said that were so blatantly false.... again. We did not only say that you couldn't multiprep. We also said you had to abide by T1E, which does not allow for fully counting an unprepared action as a prep on the fly, while still maintaining the traded prep as a half-prep. Do you even use your brain when you build these desparation arguments? Its an incredibly powerful, tool you know? It's free, too! [B]*claps slowly*[/b]. Oh of course, there it is! We're upset because you're not 'bending over for us'? Yeah, because Melon has a stake in this for him to even want you to submit. Yeah. That makes sense. Go ahead, keep victimizing yourself as though the 'system' is out to get you. It's a weak arguing point to take. And your teacher argument? Just as easy to punch through as every other argument. A teacher can try everthing in the world to be helpful, but at some point it falls on the child to be able to receive that help. The student needs to maybe.... pay some damn attention and his grades might improve? But not, god forbid the kid have to do work, right?! God forbid it falls to the children to sit down, shut up, and actually absorb the lesson from the teacher. The teacher doesn't suck, the student is just a spoiled idiot. Your final comment is the most hilarious of them all. We dont Take responsibility for a problem we caused, huh? Oh my... for your credibilites sake, I really hope no one scrolls back and reads anything you've said, ever. I hope no one watches you redirecting a finger of blame literally every time your lack of reading comprehension leads us into another vicious circle(because remember how were not helpful, yet answered every question you used as a defense in that flimsy argument?). You have done nothing but been the antithesis to every argument youve presented. This entire time you have done nothing but backdate and prorate. So yes, please continue this travesty of a debate. Please erect some other flimsy, self defeating argument like you have done literally every time since this thing started.