A'ight, let's see if we can't kick this off with a character. [Hider=Zik] [Center][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/b8cb/i/2011/093/f/c/azote_style_sketches_by_meken-d3d3qi5.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]What, this little thing? Nothing serious. Nothing to be worried about. Human nervous impulse is only about 2 meters per second on a good day. You won't even feel it.[/i][/center] Zik is...well. Zik. Quite where he came from is anyone's guess--there are a few rumors floating around that he was part of the STG during the Reaper War, and certainly there are a few of his habits that smell awfully military, but when it comes right down to it no one is really sure. Happy though he is to tell stories, they never seem to quite match up. When asked about it directly one time, his only response was the widest grin anyone's ever seen from a Salarian and the his now-famous reply: "You actually [i]believed[/i] all that?" Tall for his species and a bit more muscled than most (not that you can really tell), Zik's most prominent features are the comparative darkness of his skin and the facial tattoos he has. The almost slate color of much of his skin gives way to a pale, bleached white of imitation bone in the stylized outline of a skull across his face, which is either morbid or funny depending on who you ask. Examination around the edges of the tattoo and across the scarred surface of it indicate that it wasn't done with what most would consider 'proper tools' or 'technique', but nobody's quite worked up the gumption to ask quite what that means. Zik was one of the first of the "Dashers" and has always hated the name. Though neither claims to remember how, he and the soon-to-be-Captain Declan managed to find themselves shitfaced and staring at the speeder of a particular asshole asari who was looking to climb her way up the Blue Suns. Three days, six bodies, one hanar prostitute and a medically alarming amount of toxic substances later and they were in business. Zik has always had something of a sick sense of humor and a fixation on mortality--viciously depressed by the short lifespan of his species, he tends to have a 'Fuck it!' outlook of things that makes him right at home with the Dashers, where he serves as head of the Assault Team. He has a particular fascination for vintage human movies, including samurai films, spaghetti westerns, and Quinton Tarantino movies. You've never seen someone quite as fast at the draw as Zik. Take it on faith--that's a good thing. [/hider]