[quote=@Weird Tales]when did this become Bitchfest?[/quote] Since the first version of the thread. [quote=@Ebonsquire]People who roleplay more than 5-6 characters piss me off a little, for some really odd reason. I don't know what it is, but when someone makes that many characters, it just . . . [/quote] If there is no character limitation and I can keep consistently (and actively) coming up with new ideas I’m going to do it. I’m not going to let anyone curb my dedication and interest because they have apprehension towards it. If they don’t like it, don’t RP with me. End of story. [quote=@Verdaux]Oh, and don't get me started with the smol pupper children that suddenly drop the RP without a fucking word as to why, even when they're active on other threads. [/quote] How about people who expect you to [i]remind[/i] them to post and are so dependent on complacency that they [i][b]have[/b][/i] to be [i]mentioned[/i]. No dude, I’m not going to tell you to post— it’s [i]your[/i] responsibility to have that much dedication and courtesy towards your fellow players to read and post on your own time. Don’t be lazy.