[hider= Niseli (Nine) Lesvab] [center][color=BlueViolet][h1]Niseli (Nine) Lesvab [/h1][/color] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DxlWwc8CpGc/S8dMPDIQuCI/AAAAAAAAAVk/-YwNjPLk9Io/s1600/Alien+Final+print.jpg[/img] [h3]Theme Song:[/h3] [url=example.com]Working on finding one.[/url] [h3][i]"Criminals have no honor, but pickers ... well least they're trying to gain some." [/i][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Niseli Lesvab [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Nine, When the word of her name is translated this is what other races tend to get. Even though to her kind it means something very different. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Position[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Pilot [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent] 486 [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Female [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Reputation[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Has won first place in a number of large open star fighter race events, her people hold every 10 years. These events are highly publicized and broadcast across the galaxy. She won first place in the last event which was 2 years ago. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Appearance [/u][/b][/color] [indent] For her kind Nine is a fairly stock standard, standing around the normal height of 5 ft 4, weighing in at 101 ibs which is considered to a little heavy. All Ukaians have a long tail coming out the back of their heads, the tail always being a little longer then the Ukaian's standing height. These tails always have a bioluminescent tip, that gently glows blue at all times. Nine tends to have a several metal coils around her tail that used solely for decoration, but to not impede the tails movement. The Ukai are covered in fur, which tends to be a shades of gray or black depending on genetics. Nine's fur is considered to be the fairly common gray but is a little thicker then normal. Nine tends wear a tight fitting jump suit that only doesn't cover her head and, this attire made to help regulate body tempter and is common think for all for her kind to wear, finding more open attire just overall uncomfortable against their fur. Like of her kind she always carrying a pistol and refuses to give it up when asked citing cultural reasons. Hers is a basic model with a straight blocky appearance. Due to being off world, Nine almost always seen wearing a pair of high tech goggles' to protect her eyes. Only in dark or dimly little room dose she take them off showing her races small blue eyes. Nine's eyes are bioluminescent and glow the same colour as the tip of her tail, a trait all her kind share. [hider=Pistol Appearance] [img]http://www.foundation3d.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=14145&d=1221187844[/img] [/hider] [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Height [/u][/b][/color] [indent]5 ft 4 in[/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Weight [/u][/b][/color] [indent] 101 ibs [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Wary and quite Nine like many of her race is always watching the movements of aliens around her, although is trusting of her own kind. Being said Nine is more trusting of aliens them most of her kind but she still watches them, given most of the time she is on a ship with pickers. Nine is while doesn't mind interacting with other races she often struggles to understand other races and the need to use tones in their voice. This had lead to miscommunication more then once and still does in some cases causing some friction. Some having accidentally insulted Nine, upsetting or angering her unaware they have done so. Nine is the type to hold grudges, especially to aliens and once she hates someone they are in her bad books for life. Only earning a life debit from Nine would make her consider giving that person a second chance. Being said Nine is loyal to whoever is in charge officially and to those she considers a friend. To Nine duty is fairly important as well as being honorable to a degree, following a slightly twisted version of her kinds code of honor. When it comes to authority Nine dislike being ordered around by males, tolerating because she has to. Given how old Nine is she is fairly smart having done much in her life she can insightful, about things at times. Insight she tends to share, if she feels it is needed or asked. Nine as tenancy to manipulate others, to get her way or simply for her amusement. Even if frowned up by her kind she gets a kick out of sparking fights or making people paranoid, just so long as she doesn't get sucked into it. Nine as no time for thieves or those that would kill simply for killings sake. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] People that are understanding careful with their words [*] Dull/ poor lighting [*] Cold environments [*] Piloting ships [*] Pickers to a degree, provided they are not simple brutes. [/list][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Being touched [*] Bright lights [*] Hot environments [*] PIRATES [*] Music in any form [/list][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Skills[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Trained and highly skilled ship pilot [*] Basic level of engineering skills [*] Decent shot with a pistol [*] Her race can naturally see light on the ultraviolet spectrum [*] Talented observer [/list][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Psychically weak compared a lot of other races. This is true for all Ukai, they are just not naturally a psychically strong race, so require mechanical aid to do any real lifting. [*] Requires a protective eye wear to see in bright or normal lighting, as exposure for more then a few minutes can cause blindness and causes intense pain. [*] Requires special medications for illness or pain. Due to a semi-intelligence moss the lives within the bodies of each Ukai, that is highly sensitive to most common medications. This moss plays an important part to the Ukai acting as their immune system, so without it they would all succumb to illness quickly and die. [/list][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]Fears [/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Having her eye wear taken form her: This common method to torturer Ukai as the pain it inflicts on them is great and would leave her unable to continue being a ship pilot. [*] Being near or given common medications: would kill her slowly form illness, plain and simple. [*] Being stranded on an uncolonized world: she's had to survive on uncolonized world before and its something she really doesn't want to do again. Suggest it or joke about it and watch Nine bolt out the nearest door. [/list][/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Nine, grew up in what would be considered a typical fashion for a Ukai growing up on her home-world in one of the underground cities. She spent her childhood learning, playing and form time to time getting into mischief. Going into her peoples military when she completed her basic education and became old enough, applying to become a pilot always having an interest in flying the large battleships her people built. It was there Nine received her training as a pilot and started out piloting fighter craft and cargo ships. Moving on to larger vessels as she became more experienced and in the end piloting one of her peoples battleships just like she had always wanted. Something her kind considered to be a noble posting. She did this for a while but eventually grew board of it, so left and for a time drifted becoming a pilot for hire. She ended up leaving her peoples space, going wherever jobs took her. During this time Nine took and interest in the star fighter races her people held, so always returned to participate in the larger events, winning several. Sadly thought her people didn't award prizes to the winner, but she got a lot of respect for it and a reputation for being an ace pilot. Even though she was good at racing it didn't feed her, Nine having no interest in living with her people empire where basics for life where provided. So continued to work pilot for hire. It was during one job, the ship she was on was attacked by pirates and crashed on some unnamed and uncolonized world. After several weeks of surviving on this world, Nine was luckily enough to be picked up by a team of pickers that where on planet looking for things to check in. After being brought up to the ship Nine spent several weeks abroad the ship, where she got to know a couple of the pickers. Once the ship returned to a space-station to resupply, Nine felt she owed pickers something for the rescue so applied to the galactic counsel to become a pilot of picker ships (or whatever they are called). That was 120 years ago, Nine still feeling she has not paid of her debt, still pilots picker ships finding it rather interesting work even after so long even though she had repaid her moral debt. It was during this time she recently meet a captain she took a MAJOR disliking to. So much so Nine basically refused to comply with captains orders. Much to Nine annoyance this Captain saved her life when pirates attacked the ship thus owes the captain a life debt... one Nine really doesn't want to repay. But before Nine was made to repay her debt she applied to transfer to another ship which was accepted and left. Recently she was assigned to a new ship as her old one was decommissioned, her new ship needing a new pilot after getting ill and passing away. Sadly for Nine this new vessels captain is one she owes the debt to and utterly hates with every fiber of her being. When a chip was found that could lead to a lost race Nine wasn't sure what to think, but for the most part is willing to go along with it for the moment. Although she had questioned the captain serval times before deciding to stay. Only doing so as the captain called on the life debt which Nine couldn't object to. So stay's under sufferance watching the captain very closely. Deep down she is unsure if it right to go after a lost race, thinking there has to be a good reason why they where lost to begin with. [/indent] [hr] [center][h2]Ukai[/h2][/center] [color=BlueViolet][b][u] Lifespan [/u][/b][/color] [indent]The average life span is roughly 734 years [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u] Home planet [/u][/b][/color] [indent] [b]Esosak 3.[/b] A huge cold world covered in vast tundra forests and in places jungle, filled with massive trees, plants and animals. While not all life forms are massive, these larger life forms are domant on the planets surface. There are serval massive fortress like cities that dot the planets surface. These cites surrounded by massive walls, these cities filled with huge skyscrapers built in and out of the massive trees, that cover the planets surface. These cities acting a the planets spaceports and last line of pleasantry defense form orbital threats. Deep underneath the planets surface, are a vast network of caves filled with many bioluminescent plants and animals. Many of these living in some form of symbioses with each other, this including the Ukai people. While no where near as big as the surface dwelling animals and plants the ones underground are far more vicious to non natives. Many of the larger caves the Ukai have built sprawling cities which house's the bulk of the planets population. All the cites look nearly exactly the same as if they where copies of each other, filled with elegantly curved buildings. Each of these cities are more like warrens with the entire populace living close to each other, all of the cites are built to accommodate the wildlife and plants and are built where they will have only a small impact on them as well. [/indent] [color=BlueViolet][b][u] Culture[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Once a predatory race of small cat like creatures the Ukai, evolved deep underground of their home world. Away form the massive plants and animals that roamed the surface, like everything else living in symbiotic relationship the other creatures and plants. As the Ukai evolved and grew more intelligent they became aware of this relationship, always being mindful of it as they advanced technologically. The Ukai always trying to keep the impact they had on their world small as possible, to preserve what they needed to survive. Even to this day the same logic is applied to their world and the many others they have colonized. While building great cities they build around nature and try not change the landscape too much. Being said the Ukai while peaceful and understanding to their planets, they treat other races with a small level of distrust and always watching them closely. The Ukai being a very militaristic people maintain huge fleets while mostly used to guard their territory, as well to act as peace keeping forces when the galactic council calls on them. Having a militaristic nature, the Ukai value honor, valor and duty. Service in the military is considered to be a very honorable thing to do, so much so that several decades of service is expected of everyone and those that don't are frowned on. Only those with high levels of intelligence are an exception to this provided they go into field that require a great intellect. Due to this all Ukain children receive some combat training as part of their basic eduction and all citizens carry sidearms or a knife when out of the home. To take a Ukain's weapon off them is considered to be an offense and might end up with the weapon in question being used. The Ukai nation is known to the galaxy as the Untied Ukain Star Empire which is always ruled by an Empress, who is selected by a great many and often fatal rituals. Where only the strongest and smartest of Ukai girls would even have a chance of surviving. That is provided they are selected to undergo the rituals, the method as to how selection is made unknown to all but the Empress and a secretive group that answers only to her. In the empire females tend to hold positions of power form the Empress, to ship captains even to managers of shops. While males can achieve most of these positions as well it is a lot harder for them to do so. Being a race the evolved deep underground living on the surface or in orbit of a world is considered taboo by some but is a slowly dying way of thinking. All Ukai are meant to live by a code of honor, which prevents them form fighting in unfair battles, lying, stealing and that they should repay debts. Those living in the empire closely follow the code as it is law and breaking it tend to end in exile or execution depending on nature of the violation. Those outside the empire do not always follow the code of honor, those that do tend not to follow it so closely. In the terms of religion the Ukai worship their dead ancestors believing that they are watching and guiding them from the after life. When a Ukai dies the family eat the deceased member, it considered to be a great act of respect to them. They also apply this to aliens by eating them if they considered family or a loved one or allowing an alien to eat them. Refusing this is a great offense and often ends up with one refusing to participate being executed. This tradition being one of their oldest ones, is one of many old traditions still practiced In the Star Empire all basics for life are provided and work while not demanded in return is considered right, not contributing to the empire in some way is frowned upon. Those that don't willing contribute are often forced into the military or driven out of Imperial space. Evil those Ukai living outside of the empire will frown upon those that do not pull their weight. The Ukai have a very complicated why of communicating, using sight just as much as the spoken word. Although few races can see naturally, Ukai emit a soft glow of ultraviolet light. A glow that shifts when going about their day or talking to someone. Ukai picking up on this and words and gestures changing meaning depending how they are glowing. When they first encountered aliens this lead to a lot of miscommunication, so now many Ukai when dealing with aliens try to clear and precise as they speak. Ukai while can speak do so with a monotone, lacking the ability to shift their tone of voice. Due to this Ukai are not very good reading vocal tones or shifts. Thus the empire has no music what so ever. [/indent] [hr] [/hider]