Grayson flinched a bit. Not because something grazed him or because of an attempted assault rather because of what he heard. It was quiet but so unfamiliar to his ears as it echoed off the buildings. [i][color=fff200]"That is NOT a good sign,"[/color][/i] he thought as he started packing up. He grabbed all the ammo he laid out and shoved it all in his pocket. His swift turn as he picked up his short stick spear left his momentum headed for the door. He took a quick look over his shoulder nothing but the same old over grown campus that he was looking at the day before. Once he was on the street he had already strapped the rifle to his bag and put his helmet back on. He was hurrying back to his mansion very stealthily hoping that no one would notice him if the noise had come from close to his mansion, even though it didn't sound like it. On his way back he saw lots of wildlife scattering in front of him, he picked out a still, big, juicy rabbit. Grayson stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly brought his arm up and forced it forward with immense force and precision. His homemade spear pierced the rabbit right through the neck. Just after, he ran over to his stick and took the rabbit off. He put the rabbit in the netted side of the stick and carried it with him back to his mansion. Once Grayson got home he felt relief in the fact that it wasn't his home that was destroyed. He threw the Rabbit onto his cutting board and skinned it. The meat was then slow roasted over his small fire and eaten all within an hour. Grayson would need to go scavenging soon, for wood mostly, not that that was hard to find. It was also time to do his "laundry" and take a bath in the river. It was never easy to bath, constantly afraid of being shot or seen by a scouting party. So a few years back he found a hollow piece of sheet metal that was curled. Grayson fit rather perfectly inside with space to move around. He threw it in the river as a "shower" and he stands inside that for cover. It isn't fool proof but it was better than nothing. Night was coming closer as he hung up his clothes to dry and replaced them with spares that he put on. He took a moment to straighten his bed and laid down for another night in this hellish world.