Yuno sat at the table silently for the most part as Raiya and Nemo first exchanged words on his actions with the knife and the state of their relationship as friends or enemies. If she had known more about why such things transpired between them she may have interjected, but something told her she likely wouldn’t get a straight answer even if she asked. Yet, when she glanced for what she thought would be the last time she took note of the guns she had seen before but never had a chance to collect her thoughts on. Barbaric was the first term that came to her mind. Was in the spirit of magic users to use such things? Hardly, at least in her mind. Logic told her that using tool to their advantage was perfectly legitimate, but it was one of the few things her emotions took care of due to the lack of control she put upon the idea of firearms. Faster than the eye can see, but unlike magic she may commit to the bullet will damage whatever it comes into contact with and hardly has the grace or elegance that one may see in the effects of her gem or rune magic. It simply felt too easy, a cheap way out for her if she had ever resorted to a straight up gun compared to the time developing magic, but this man’s aura also told her that he likely wasn’t the type who shared the same notion and romanticism towards magic she can have. Her thoughts on the matter ended prematurely with Jessie beginning to talk to the fairy beside her. It worried her slightly that she would have to deal with a gun toting man and a fairy summoning woman during times like these, but Jessie seemed harmless enough even if her table manners were less than appropriate. Even her time thinking on Jessie was cut off as well with the arrival of the outspoken Travis who almost masked his sleepiness with his greeting, Yuno caught the bags his eyes kept hanging below with her keen sense of perception and usual manner of looking people back in the eye. [color=6ecff6]“The shade of the skin beneath your eyes match that of your hair Travis.” [/color]She stated towards him with her normally trained smile. Finally having a desire to speak up within the mess until the most foreign person in their party came up from the depths of the mansion. Speaking with the term master with made Yuno have to turn her attention away from the man from the north towards Felix with a questioning raise of an eyebrow, however she kept her winning smile on as to not break her normal appearance. It only broke when she took bites off the plate she had gathered in front of herself which was considerably smaller than Jessies and likely most of the others at the table. [color=6ecff6]“Looks like we are all here if I recall.”[/color] She commented at the time assuming Jessie had been the person Felix went to get before she had gone to sleep. Unknowing of what he went on to say afterwards which made her regret her choice of words. [color=6ecff6]“Dead?”[/color] she questioned aloud in slight surprise. It’s not as if she expected safety at first, but it was far too soon compared to what she had imagined if such a task actually got violent with other groups. It didn’t take a leap of imagination to assume other groups looking for the paragons might not take kindly, but to do so much damage and already kill one of theirs in the matter of the first night was almost unthinkable. Yuno’s smile was erased from her face with that as the tone within the room was obviously changed at the end of Felix’s speech. Raiya broke part of that tension even if it was rather crude. Yuno had to resist shooting a small glance of judgment on the woman who was already drinking in the morning and uncaring for the loss of such life. However, one thing was for sure: The Guardians of Paragon was hardly a name that rolled of the tongue for such a task. [color=6ecff6]“With the news sources and such going on you would think I would find you less believable, Felix.”[/color] She first replied as Felix knew she hadn’t even formally declared to join in the first place.[color=6ecff6] “But… a man of your nature and at least from what I can feel wouldn’t be up to the tasks you described or the type to blame others. In fact if you were after those who had their name on that list you would have likely killed me from atop the Redwood.”[/color] With the second part of her statement done she sighed slightly before smiling a bit. [color=6ecff6]“While I do regret the loss of life you had to endure at least let it be known I shall go along for this Paragon hunt. I don’t need to know if what you say is true to know that those who just attacked you can’t have them and I wouldn’t sit by to let it happen.”[/color]