[@MatthiasAngel] On Earth, no they are not. Please keep in mind the Five were taken by Seeders and altered – this includes their DNA, which would affect their procreation. On Monument, their children would be much more likely to inherit their parents' personalities and traits. Of course there would be exceptions, but as a general rule, if a child is born to a Leader and a Charismatic, they'd generally inherit most of the traits of whatever the dominant gene is. I chose this because a large, important piece of Earth's history was racial segregation / gender segregation. This is passed over into Monument, but with the Five traits. It wouldn't matter too much right this moment, to OUR Five, but in a few hundred years, there maybe a Leader who prefers to cook than to be in the military, or a Charismatic who just isn't nice. Every species has their problems to overcome, and the Monument humans are no exception. This trait segregation is one of those flaws. Over a long LONG period of time, the traits would be muddled together so much they'd be indistinguishable. Along with that, the facial/bodily markings would become more and more subtle. They wouldn't be so prominent, but they would still be there. However, it's likely whatever government that was set up would be still trying to divide the population by their birth trait. This would lead to some interesting speedbumps in Monument's history. Again, this is a roleplay. It's meant to be fun. We're sacrificing quite a bit of reality here. If you can't accept that, then you've got to adjust your view a bit.