[@Marrow][hider=stuff] I am sorry about the work that you've put in here, but unfortunately I'm going to have to deny you. This is not something I do on a whim, denying a player is huge deal for GMs, and I want to show you exactly why this is. First, the character. I realize that you've thrown this guy together quickly and haven't had the time to really get familiar with this game, but the character lies outside of the framework we have in mind on almost all categories. Things like power level, origin, techniques, basic concept... Long story short, the character would have to be edited HEAVILY in order to qualify for this game, and the first step would be to read the OP thoroughly, because some of the things wrong with the character could've been avoided right there. Second, time. This thread has been up and running for more than a month. As you might imagine, we're more than anxious to get started, and some players have been with us almost from the start. A month is a long time and as a GM with some experience I fear that if we wait longer we'll start to bleed players. The economy of players doesn't make this viable as the time you'd need to fix the character would only postpone the start of this game further. Third, the deadline. Like the hat mentioned as a reply for your first post here, we had a deadline. This was put into place because the GMs felt like we were not getting anywhere, people coming in and claiming interest, posting a WIP and then nothing. We can't wait forever and we thought that a deadline would give the players a kick in the butt, either to get their stuff finished or the final boot away from the game. The deadline was for last Sunday, today it's Wednesday. IC was supposed to be up by now. Fourth, it wouldn't be fair to our players. As I've mentioned our players have been waiting, discussing and polishing their stuff for a while now. The deadline was supposed to be the end of the passive time and the start of active posting. We're already behind schedule. There, I think that covers it. I hope you understand that this is nothing personal, you just showed up with crappy timing. [/hider] [@MMGiru][@Hillan][@Raijinslayer][@godlyinfluence] The IC will be up in a little while, either later today or tomorrow, depending heavily upon the hat's subnatural ability to pull thumbs out of bodily crevices. To get us into the “action” a bit faster we've decided not to start the game on a normal day in Gobi. Instead, we'll start on the day we leave, or rather, about one full day before. In other words, our characters will have met talked about leaving before this time. Please think about what your character may have done so far to aid our escape.