[Center][sub][h3][colour=CadetBlue]I N T R O D U C T I O N[/colour][/h3][/sub][/Center] [indent][sub][colour=MediumTurquoise]₪[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]Hello and welcome to Bleach Reborn! This is an original RP set in the bleach universe. Whilst we shall be using the setting and certain aspects from the show however the plot and characters will not be involved. I've been wanting to join a Bleach RP for a while now but none surfaced, as such I decided to try and make my own with a bit more focus and direction. What I'm trying to achieve is a long lasting RP in which the players can enjoy all the best parts of Bleach, such as the spectacle fights and character progression and development. To do this I've placed some fairly stringent rules compared to other Bleach RP's in the past which shall be detailed later on, they are all intended to aid the longevity and experience of the RP for the players! Now in terms of what I'm looking for its...well players! Bleach fans! Everyone will be taking part as a Shinigami from the thirteen court guard squads, the bad guys will be NPC's controlled by me and any Co-gms of the RP. This should function more like a D&D style game in which we can throw scenarios and NPC's at you. All of these decisions shall be explained later on in more detail but for the introduction I just wanted to give you the gist of what I'm shooting for. So! If your a bleach fan and ready to get your Haori on and kick some hollow butt then welcome aboard![/Colour][/sub][/indent] [Center][sub][h3][colour=CadetBlue]C O - G M S E A R C H[/colour][/h3][/sub][/Center] [indent][sub][colour=MediumTurquoise]₪[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]I'm in need of a Co-GM. As some of you may already know however the Co-gm here will be different than in most RP's, you won't be taking part as a Shinigami with the rest of the players you shall be helping me with the story progression, plot and will assist in using all the NPC's such as the Espada. So you get to do all the cool Bleach things like fighting, just a little less focused on your own personal character. Anyone whom wishes to be a Co-Gm will have to be able to handle multiple NPC's help design said NPC's and develop plot. [hr] So this is the more developed Int.Check there has been one previously which I urge any new takers to check out - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/115939-bleach/ooc#]Int.Check 1.0[/url] Here is a list of all the people whom have already shown some level of interest, if you are still interested then you can either post or simply like this OP or something so I know your still here. [@malmshodes] [@FallenTrinity] [@Kalas] [@Rin] [@Pink Madness] [@Crimson Raven] [@Vongola_Hasayo] [@Yvain] [@IceHeart] [@Tarquin] [@Raineh Daze] [@LokiLeo789] [@Marrow] I probably wont sit on this int.check for very long, 2-3 days at most I would imagine, and then I shall post the OOC. Finding 12 definite players and a Co-Gm or two is where I would really like to be before the OOC goes up.[/Colour][/sub][/indent]