[hider=Character] Name: William "Glasser" Jones Age: 24 Height: 5'9" Weight: 175 Nationality: Australian Appearance: [img]https://chroniclesofharriet.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/the-city-8.jpeg[/img] Fighting Style: Uses pub brawling techniques, basically using anything and everything as a weapon and fighting dirty. Specific Skill: Cooking Bio: William was known back home as a nutter, a man who didn't give two shits about who someone was or what they did. They fuck with him or his, they were asking for a fight. Is the eldest of three and had to look after his younger siblings, he dud this by working in a pub as a cook. When the job is done he hopes to return home and open up his own place to cook and have his family pitch in. Theme Song: Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival [/hider] [hider=Vehicle] Name: Ole Reliable Appearance: [img]http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/07/10__23_55_53/rebel5.jpga230bda5-2312-4467-9790-4e43567c69fdOriginal.jpg[/img] Firepower: 8 Grip: 12 Frame: 12 Acceleration: 8 Top Speed: 15 Flavour Text: Ole Reliable earned it's name by being the oldest thing the Jones family had ever owned. It belonged to Williams grandfather who used to be a wandering trader. It got passed down to William and despite a few very generous offers from people to buy it, and even a few attempts at theft, he never wanted to use anything else. It got him at of quite a few bad spots, and so long as he takes care of it, it will take care of him.[/hider] [hider=Gear] Barbed Wire Bat Barbed Tire Wire[/hider]