[hider=Arianna Arensdorf] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6G8w2M9.png[/img] [b]Character:[/b] Arianna Arensdorf [b]Alias:[/b] Currently Unnamed [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=Aquamarine]Aquamarine[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Currently Unaligned [b]Identity:[/b] Currently Unknown [b]Character Personality[/b]: Self assured to the point of arrogance, she has a simplistic, straightforward approach to life. A firm believer of the idea that 'impossibility' is simply "quitter talk" and an excuse people use to make themselves feel better. This takes the form of a cheerful optimism that many would consider 'willful naivety' and a particularly childish quality, but she dismisses peoples attempts to claim reality is particularly complicated. This attitude actually results in an easy going person that is difficult to offend, but at the same time often is inconsiderate of others that are more sensitive about certain subjects. When properly pushed she can be fierce and relentless, though once calmed down is quick to forgive and move on. While vain and prideful, she holds that the accomplishments and positive qualities of others are to be complimented and supported. This genuinely friendly belief allows for an extraordinarily open-minded person capable of forging friendships with a wide variety of people. Although she freely admits to being an "enjoy-er of schadenfreude" she is not generally one for serious or lasting ill-will towards others. She is good at many things, but few of them could be considered useful, due to a habit of picking up and dropping whatever hobby strikes her fancy. These range from things like an eye for decor to playing musical instruments to competitive sports such as tennis to cooking. Because of her whimsical lack of focus to any given thing, she lacks the greater skill that would come from dedication to a specific skill or two. She dislikes most team sports as being too slow or monotonous, but doesn't mind activities like reading or playing games. Entertainment that inevitably fails to keep her interest is quickly discarded, but more often than not she will eventually pick it back up again after some time has passed. She is prone to becoming stir crazy if she cannot find something interesting to focus on. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider= Fashion Experiment #1] An outfit that is equal parts adapting admittedly "risque" clothing she already owned, a decent amount of sewing talent, and purchasing a few odd items to use as materials. Arianna created this with the intent of giving herself an air of elegant superiority and alluring mystery that still complimented her appearance. Despite what she might claim, she has absolutely no idea what the "D" on the hat stands for and simply wished to put something in that space to better draw the colors and shapes together. [center][img] http://orig10.deviantart.net/423b/f/2009/066/3/6/361f7ce877df375236ff05de6b67508e.jpg [/img][/center][/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Arianna was born with her powers, though that is not known to her or anyone else (or is it) at the present time. As a result, their exact cause is similarly mysterious. These powers were so weak as to be negligible early on in life. The first effective use of these powers was when she was preventing a ball from going over a fence when she was twelve, draining its momentum enough that it thunked against it and was easily retrieved instead. As powers often do, they sharply grew in potency during her teenage years. Mild events similar, yet increasingly more impressive, to the ball instance continued until an event that was potent enough to clue her in on the fact that she had strange powers occurred. Shortly after turning nineteen, Arianna had taken up an interest in Parkour. Never one to slink away from challenges or be timid, she overestimated her own athletic ability and fell down the side of a several stories tall structure. Desperation not to die or be severely injured brought the power forth, slowing her fall to the point that she touched down face-first on the ground as light as a feather floating gently in the wind. Perhaps luckily, nobody was around to witness the event, although they certainly heard the panicked and terrified shrieking during the fall itself. As a result however, she was the sole person to discover her abilities and she has since begun to experiment and practice using them in secret. She has yet to actually decide on if she wishes to use these powers for her own benefit, to help others, or to simply go about her normal life, but definitely has an interest in experimenting with "costumed" fashion and testing the extents of her abilities. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Psychic [b]Power Level:[/b] Street-City Level [b]Powers:[/b] Negation. Unlike more broad psychic powers, this one can only be used to "remove" momentum. Like more broad psychic powers there is some inherent versatility in its use due to its nature. For example it can be used to remove the momentum from a bullet or a punch, or even prevent an extremely sharp blade from mustering enough force to cut. It could also be used to cushion the impact of a fall to the point of making it negligible, or to prevent someone from moving forward. It does not have to remove momentum from something entirely, merely slowing it down to a chosen level. Negation can be used on objects at range, or it can be formed into a short range "barrier" that will effect anything that comes into contact with it. [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent] Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Normal Human Fighting Skill: Normal Human [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Average [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Energy, Chemical Reactions, Magic and other things that have no source of momentum are beyond Negations ability to influence. A fire does not move in the way a physical object does, so Negation cannot be used to restrict it or snuff it out. Magic and other sources of psychic powers are more questionable, as it depends on the exact nature of whats happening: Propelling a physical object through magic or telekinesis can still impart momentum, and thus still be influencable by Negation. However, entirely magical bolts of energy or psychic mental attacks would be uneffected. Another weakness is that Negation must be consciously used, so things that are too sudden or unexpected may slip past before the power can be used. Similarly, as a consciously used psychic power, it requires mental focus and strain. Overuse, or attempting to stop something with too great a momentum or trying to stop too many things at once, may cause the power to fail in varying degrees. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [indent] Beatrice Arensdorf: Arianna's mother that lives in another state. Calls often. Johan Arensdorf: Arianna's father that lives in another state. Quiet & Stern. Jonas Jones: Arianna's landlord. Responsible & Friendly. [/indent] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [hider] [img] http://static9.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/11121/111217887/4483585-bison+yes+man.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider=Sample Post] In a small apartment in the middle of the day... Arianna lay sprawled across her bed, long blonde hair flowing down her back like a wave of silk. Head propped up in one hand, she drummed her fingers lightly against her cheek. Her other hand held a freshly sharpened pencil, idly twirling it between her fingers. In front of her lay an open notebook, blank white pages meeting her gaze. Flicking her brown eyes over to the hat-mask sitting on the nightstand, she focused on the bright red 'D' branded on it. [color=Aquamarine]"D..."[/color] She murmured to herself thoughtfully. Putting pencil to paper, she neatly wrote the single letter. Repeating it out loud to herself again, she tapped the pencil lead in the space next to it, leaving gray dots where it struck. [color=Aquamarine]"Daemon? Ugh, no that sounds like some kind of monster. Djinn? No that doesn't really fit what I can do..."[/color] Her expression twisted into an irritated scowl as a suitable name failed to come to mind. Rolling onto her back with a groan of annoyance, she tossed the pencil up into the air. As it reached it's peak and was just starting to tumble over itself on it's way down, her eyes narrowed slightly in focus. The pencil slowly drifted downward instead of plummeting as it normally would, not unlike a leaf in a breeze. After watching it for a moment, she gently plucked the pencil out of the air once it was within her reach and twirled it between her fingers once more. [color=Aquamarine]"Defender?"[/color] She mumbled to herself. The pencil was tossed upwards again, the psychic powered blonde robbing it of its momentum as it came back down once more. Repeating the most recent idea for a name to herself a few more times, she made a unconvinced 'eeeh' sound. Snatching the pencil out of the air again, she flopped back over and scribbled out 'Defender' under the D. [color=Aquamarine]"I guess at worst that can be a back up name if I really need one before I figure out something better. It's not like I'm stuck with a name forever anyways."[/color] A sudden, sing-song-y voice broke her concentration. 'Ring-Ring-Ring! Phone Call, Phone Call!' the small sound clip looped again after a moment, Arianna pushing herself upright and glancing around her room in confusion. Turning her gaze to the source of the sound, she blinked for a few seconds at the hat-mask. Reaching over and lifting it up off the nightstand revealed the blue-green case of her cellphone under it. Scooping up the phone and flipping it over, hat-mask put back in its place on the nightstand, her face lit up at the caller id as she hit answer and put it on speaker. [color=Aquamarine]"Hey mom!"[/color] [/hider] [/hider]